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[PVPingServer] Nextco PVP style , no place to hide

Discussion on [PVPingServer] Nextco PVP style , no place to hide within the CO2 PServer Archive forum part of the CO2 PServer Advertising category.

Old   #1
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[PVPingServer] Nextco PVP style , no place to hide

The PVP style , no place to hide
one map , one destiny
kill or be killed , the stronger survive
unleash your brutal
ninja monk pirate are allowed
all new skills and weapons are allowed
do you think you can survive ?

Antiaimbot system + voting botjail system is being implemented

Everything you need is just ready to start pvping , test new classes and new spells , do what you never did in tq

all accounts registed at nextco leveling should work fine on next pvping
but feel free to create more accounts

to switch between next leveling and next pvping
go to
remove all and add this for pvp
remove all and add this for leveling
you go to easy servers to get board killing monsters with clickers
then you all end up with same maxed gears and
keep hunting even more days for dragon souls ?
plvling for hrs to get the 140 ?
here everything is free and ready for you to play
without suffering from collecting conquer points from millions of monsters
server currency is kill point
kill to get kill point where you can use it
to buy dragon souls or donate for extra attack/bp
everything else is ready for you

system drops neopower items which can be used to get higher attack than everyone for seconds/mins
there is more to explore at nextco pvp server and even more to be done in the next couple of days

moderation notify : this is not the same private server , it's different server with same staff and new sub webpages in the main website where all of those pages holding epvp linkback , please do not merge both servers because they are not the same
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Old 02/15/2013, 13:19   #2
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Havent u realized yet that Pvp Servers dont get players ... AcidCo V3 For example stayed On for 2 - 3 months then it was shut down

Conclusion :-
Pvp Servers = Fail
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Old 02/16/2013, 04:12   #3
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Originally Posted by shadowman123 View Post
Havent u realized yet that Pvp Servers dont get players ... AcidCo V3 For example stayed On for 2 - 3 months then it was shut down

Conclusion :-
Pvp Servers = Fail
i've gone far with threads , i don't need 500 mb memory from my vps
that's why i've made the pvp server
just to get votes on xtop100 so i can get more members to the leveling server so i can get donations to pay for the vps
and dw everything took one day but the antiaimbot/antispeedhack systems which was already to be done for the leveling server

i still got 250 mb memory , maybe will host another one with easy rates
i duno what the **** to do any ideas ?
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Old 02/17/2013, 10:31   #4
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Valentine promotion still and will be valid until the end of this week !
100% bonus on your first donation
200% bonus on your second donation
Use the following code while sending donations "VP100200"
that would also could within your total previous donations which is counted at the vip limits !
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Old 03/06/2013, 18:08   #5
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server it's on? (PVP)
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Old 03/06/2013, 19:42   #6
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nope there was 0 members in the server for 9 days which forced me to take it down to give the other server more resources from the vps
you are so welcomed to visit us at the leveling server
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