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[Question]TQ Antibot server

Discussion on [Question]TQ Antibot server within the CO2 Programming forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.

Old 08/19/2012, 01:06   #76
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Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
You clearly don't understand how hypocritical it is to say "I really don't agree with people making money from information that's kept private" while doing it within another community, how he responds to that is upto him.

I posted first in this thread, so your second point is completely invalid.

I post here because I'm still an active member of the community here and still contribute, not my fault your not involved in what I'm involved in currently.
I'm making money running a pserver on another game where the pserver community has been completely exhausted when it comes to matching official. Anything more done there is purely creative and unique.

Making money in CO in the context here is offering bots to cheat on official. While I don't care whether people cheat or not, you're comparing apples and oranges trying to say I'm being a hypocrite over it. You're just plain ******* stupid and always have been as far as I'm concerned. You try to take every little thing and twist and warp it to please yourself. The money made here runs off the lack of knowledge about official server practices while the money I make runs off my own creativity and functionality I put into a game. Hell, the game has full sources leaked. Client, server, tools, everything. EVERYTHING. Everything you want to know about the game is 100% available to be learned. The only way to go is forward and making new features and that's what makes the money, not trying to profit off of someone else's ignorance.
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Old 08/19/2012, 01:29   #77

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Your so ignorant of how things work bone... ~le sigh
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Old 08/19/2012, 03:21   #78
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Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
Your so ignorant of how things work bone... ~le sigh
"I'm obviously wrong so I will fall back to the 'you're ignorant' insult" - Korvacs

Your responses are just nonsense. What does "how things work" have to do with me showing you how you're wrong about the money making deal? It's like you're trying to throw your weight around to obtain a bandwagon effect of people agreeing with you and your point of views of me. That's all you've been doing is talking loads of **** to me for absolutely no reason whatsoever and if there was a reason I'd love to know it. Nevertheless, your last comment is of no value to the discussion and does nothing more than further prove you know not of what you are talking about.
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Old 08/19/2012, 09:25   #79

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This community isn't the same as the community you came from, you cannot just expect people to behave the same as the people in your community did. This community has never been fully open, things have always been restricted from pretty much day 1. People here restrict information about the game for profit, its happened for years here, just because you've not been around to see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and just because you've 'come back' doesn't mean it has to change either. If you want it to change or if other people want it to change then they will need to be the ones to change it.

As for you being ignorant of how things work, if we turn this topic into a real life situation it would be the same as apple developing the iphone and releasing it. At the time it was so far ahead of any other mobile device on the planet it made everyone else look pretty stupid. Following that businesses began to copy various aspects of the iphones design and were fairly successful, but they sure as hell didn't go up to apple and say "your profiting from peoples ignorance when it comes to mobile phone development, you should share all of your development research into the various aspects of the iphone so that we can catch you up and be competitive".

I'm sorry but if that's how you think it works then you truly are ignorant....not that there's much point in me posting this because you will come out with the whole Apples vs Oranges comment and it will all have been a waste of time.
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Old 08/19/2012, 14:30   #80
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Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
This community isn't the same as the community you came from, you cannot just expect people to behave the same as the people in your community did. This community has never been fully open, things have always been restricted from pretty much day 1. People here restrict information about the game for profit, its happened for years here, just because you've not been around to see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and just because you've 'come back' doesn't mean it has to change either. If you want it to change or if other people want it to change then they will need to be the ones to change it.
I know that. That's what my thread before was about when UG was restructured. The problem was, I was asking for help to do it by those with information because I do not have the means to obtain it. End result: nothing.

Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
As for you being ignorant of how things work, if we turn this topic into a real life situation it would be the same as apple developing the iphone and releasing it. At the time it was so far ahead of any other mobile device on the planet it made everyone else look pretty stupid. Following that businesses began to copy various aspects of the iphones design and were fairly successful, but they sure as hell didn't go up to apple and say "your profiting from peoples ignorance when it comes to mobile phone development, you should share all of your development research into the various aspects of the iphone so that we can catch you up and be competitive".
No, that's a great comparison for the pserver work I do know where everything done is unique development. That is an absolutely terrible comparison for this community. Once again, you do not know what you are talking about. A better comparison would be this: Jailbreaking iPhones. A few guys figure out how to jailbreak iPhones and instead of sharing freely with the community for everyone to benefit, charge a fee to do it instead and make a business out of it. Surely they gain great profits because everyone wants to do it, but those who are unable or don't want to pay get nothing and cannot do things such as develop nonstandard apps for iPhones and such thereby limiting the development capability of the community.

Please actually learn what you are talking about so you can make valid analogies.

Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
I'm sorry but if that's how you think it works then you truly are ignorant....not that there's much point in me posting this because you will come out with the whole Apples vs Oranges comment and it will all have been a waste of time.
You speak of ignorance yet don't know what you yourself are talking about. You're too thick skulled to understand any of this. You just claimed development of iPhones is similar to what those making bots in CO are doing. Good joke. A better fail comparison would be the development of CO itself. Why should TQ give out all their information regarding to how they made CO? Basically the same comparison, but that's not what's going on in this community. This is how stupid you're being. A better comparison is a system being broken. Jailbreaking, anti-bot/encryption breaking. That is more closely related.

I'm still reeling over the fact that you compared it to iPhone dev. I just don't know what to say to that. I can't emphasize it enough that you have no clue what you're talking about. iPhone dev is more like what I'm doing now. Unique development that is above and beyond the standard (iPhones behind beyond a standard phone, my work being beyond the standard official).
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Old 08/19/2012, 14:49   #81

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Any development can be likened to any other development, irrelevant of field, if you profit from it in the end and withhold information then its the same. Weather something is being developed the first time and is unique, weather its being developed to solve a problem, weather its being developed to replace something that already exists. All development is the same, and as the person developing you are free to decide what you do with that information, you are not obligated under any circumstances to just hand that information out for free.

As an example the iPhone could have been developed completely openly with no patents on anything within it, all of their research into material science could have been shared, but as they were developing it they made the rather obvious decision not to share the information and rather to keep it to themselves so that they would destroy all existing competition and happily control the market for the next several years.

This is no different, market control through information flow control.

Like I have said and others have said you don't understand this community, and what takes place here, and you are ignorant of what goes on here.

If you want to change it then change it, stop pointing the finger at everyone else.

Definitely my last post in this thread.
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Old 08/19/2012, 14:55   #82
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Since this is getting out of hand.

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Old 08/19/2012, 17:11   #83
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I think we should schedule for a live debate.
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Old 08/19/2012, 17:55   #84

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weather != whether
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Old 08/19/2012, 18:30   #85
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Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
Any development can be likened to any other development, irrelevant of field, if you profit from it in the end and withhold information then its the same. Weather something is being developed the first time and is unique, weather its being developed to solve a problem, weather its being developed to replace something that already exists. All development is the same, and as the person developing you are free to decide what you do with that information, you are not obligated under any circumstances to just hand that information out for free.

As an example the iPhone could have been developed completely openly with no patents on anything within it, all of their research into material science could have been shared, but as they were developing it they made the rather obvious decision not to share the information and rather to keep it to themselves so that they would destroy all existing competition and happily control the market for the next several years.

This is no different, market control through information flow control.

Like I have said and others have said you don't understand this community, and what takes place here, and you are ignorant of what goes on here.

If you want to change it then change it, stop pointing the finger at everyone else.

Definitely my last post in this thread.
Development of a hello world program can be likened to development of the space shuttle amirite?

Development of the iPhone itself is proprietary technology to Apple and as APPLE is the one making it, have no obligation to reveal anything. Developing bots for CO is not proprietary because you're using data and information from a proprietary system to bypass it. While some of the bot logic itself is 'yours', the data in question is not. While you may have put the effort into obtaining it, it's not yours in the end. Sure, it's your call to release it as it was your effort put in, but to keep it for yourself is a bit selfish. That is what I hope for here that someone will break the 'standard' of keeping things to themselves and will let it go for the sake of community development.

You still don't understand. The iPhone itself is proprietary and Apple's own intellectual property on top of legal. The bots used for CO have the sole purpose of bypassing a technological security measure to gain an unfair advantage. You would not be able to defend that any CO bot would be legal in any court. That is a pretty huge difference there. Once again, apples and oranges. You cannot compare development of iPhones to development of CO bots. You CAN compare jailbreaking iPhones to bot development. Both make use of proprietary data to break into or bypass security measures.

Originally Posted by I don't have a username View Post
Since this is getting out of hand.

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Old 08/19/2012, 18:42   #86
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If one doesn't want to release something for whatever reason, you should respect that decision rather than calling him selfish. This community is dead already and will stay dead anyway, it's not like releasing information is gonna change anything...

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Old 08/19/2012, 18:56   #87
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Originally Posted by bone-you View Post
You would not be able to defend that any CO bot would be legal in any court.
u wanna bet (so long as the court is American)
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Old 08/19/2012, 20:22   #88
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Originally Posted by InfamousNoone View Post
u wanna bet (so long as the court is American)
Yes. The sole purpose of a bot is bypassing a technological security measure. That alone is enough to lose.

Originally Posted by Captivate View Post
If one doesn't want to release something for whatever reason, you should respect that decision rather than calling him selfish. This community is dead already and will stay dead anyway, it's not like releasing information is gonna change anything...

Telling everyone who knows what and how much they won't tell you is where it crosses the line. Keep all the information to yourself, but don't keep reminding people of what you know and what you won't tell. I'd prefer some unconditional sharing, but seeing as that won't happen here no matter what, how about less bragging?
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Old 08/19/2012, 20:42   #89
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So.. We all agree that Apple is ****?
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Old 08/19/2012, 21:15   #90
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Originally Posted by bone-you View Post
Telling everyone who knows what and how much they won't tell you is where it crosses the line. Keep all the information to yourself, but don't keep reminding people of what you know and what you won't tell. I'd prefer some unconditional sharing, but seeing as that won't happen here no matter what, how about less bragging?
Well I doubt that we can change the community and I think you proved it yourself in . I appreciate the input of you and the desire to keep this community alive, but it just won't work out they way we all wish.

This community actually exists out of the few advanced developers which is a list of like 10, followed by people who are here to broaden their connections and knowledge like myself. And I must say that if I ever get stuck somewhere, I only have to PM one of the developers and they'll gladly give me a push in the right direction. It's all about respecting others and be respected and that's all what's left from the community.
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