[Release]List of RuneScape Private Servers - Add your p-serv to the list ASAP! 05/17/2010 - Runescape Private Server - 2 Replies BTW IM HOPING THIS GETS STICKY, BECAUSE ITS REALLY USEFUL!
Hello, I'v noticed that there is no proper way of advertising a RuneScape Private Server on ElitePvPers.
Im hoping this will fix the problem...
If you have a runescape Private Server write a bit about your p-server under.
[Release] NPC list and Action(Task) viewer 07/15/2009 - EO PServer Guides & Releases - 8 Replies Adding or editing Quests(Task) are very hard works
So I release this program
Now, you can see the Actions in cq_action table more easy
This program made by ASP web program, so you need IIS
Ofcourse, you can convert it to PHP if u have some knolwledge about PHP
npclist.asp shows the NPC list with all fields in cq_npc table
Click the NPC name on the list, and you can see the Action list