yeap my acc just had that i changed that ant now its fixes. but tell me why the 135 ring hass an bug is it because i neet to make new att systeem for it
[HELP]Monster Attack Modding 04/09/2010 - Metin2 Private Server - 1 Replies Also...
Ich hab den Gelben Tigergeist gemoddet und den Schlag zu einem DS gemacht...
Es geht auch...
Aber er "verkrüpelt" sich wenn man die Attacke aussführt dann sieht er aus wie ein "Klumpen" und das sieht unschön aus, deshalb wollte ich fragen wie man das ändern kann...
Pic: t1fz.jpg
My Agbot is dont attack untill monster attack him 08/21/2008 - Silkroad Online - 6 Replies I use Agbot and he is not attack untill monster come and attack him.
after monster attack him he is starting to kill like 20 seconds and after again dont attack.
how can I make him attack always?
TUT? ON no Monster attack plss guide me witht the thread 05/24/2008 - RF Online - 2 Replies anyone knows the thread on the hack where you loose the aggressiveness of the monsters? i see people attacking yet they are not being attacked by monsters... just guide me to the thread pls anyone?