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+1 Stone
Discussion on +1 Stone within the CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.
05/01/2007, 21:21
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2006
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well its not the perfect scam and im not favored in scamming but i fell for it so i did it to get my money bak. im not sure if its been posted but if u take StarDiamonds or MoonDiamonds(anything that looks like +1 or +2 stone) and put it in with a bunch of other +1 stones and sell them for normal price. they go for like 1.5kk on my server and i mixed 5 stardiamonds in with 7 +1 stones and by the morning they were all sold. you need to find people who just look for prices and not check the names all the time. sorry if this has been posted already i just wanted to spread the word.
05/01/2007, 21:26
elite*gold: 0
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heheheh nice trick
05/01/2007, 21:35
elite*gold: 0
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hehe yeh u get scams like that on my server 24/7. u have to check EVERYTHING b4 u even think of getting your money lol
05/01/2007, 21:40
elite*gold: 0
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heh, i know some of this kinda scams that no one else on my server has used, made quite alot of money with them.
i dont want to share coz i know my server pals read this place and they know what to watch out
05/02/2007, 09:14
elite*gold: 0
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Scammers are gay. PERIOD go get money by botting like the rest of us.
130 water> 130 trojan > 123+ archer full 2 soc sdg +8 bow -5 everything.
bot at bas 24/7 . 1 rb water with 2soc SRG gears in 5 hours. 4 water in team auto stig rest of them full one soc srpg gear. level them in 8 hours. sell gems 7 dbs and get promotion db. bot 24/7 and sell rb for only cs ->1kkk per month. easy. no need to scam just make a good archer.
Btw investment, buy a couple bulk packs of dbs.
this will pay off. i used over 2k on dbs and i sold my water 130> war 130> tro for 4k USD -> full 2 soc srg/sdg. trust me, its a good thing selling accounts on ebay.
instead of scamming u can make better stuff by just investing and leveling up your archer and getting socs the water factory way. oh btw, i factory archers to 130 as well. guess what? i sell them for over 200dbs. there ya go full 2socs easy with just a month of plvling and leveling for another month. 2 months only.
05/02/2007, 12:44
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by fawking@May 2 2007, 09:14
Scammers are gay. PERIOD go get money by botting like the rest of us.
130 water> 130 trojan > 123+ archer full 2 soc sdg +8 bow -5 everything.
bot at bas 24/7 . 1 rb water with 2soc SRG gears in 5 hours. 4 water in team auto stig rest of them full one soc srpg gear. level them in 8 hours. sell gems 7 dbs and get promotion db. bot 24/7 and sell rb for only cs ->1kkk per month. easy. no need to scam just make a good archer.
Btw investment, buy a couple bulk packs of dbs.
this will pay off. i used over 2k on dbs and i sold my water 130> war 130> tro for 4k USD -> full 2 soc srg/sdg. trust me, its a good thing selling accounts on ebay.
instead of scamming u can make better stuff by just investing and leveling up your archer and getting socs the water factory way. oh btw, i factory archers to 130 as well. guess what? i sell them for over 200dbs. there ya go full 2socs easy with just a month of plvling and leveling for another month. 2 months only.
 . yap his right.. but the prob is.. i cant bot much with acher 2 slow 2 bot...
but making water its a good idea...doing it now. making money all the time  heheheh
05/02/2007, 15:22
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2006
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lol old trick... i used this trick about months ago, but later, people gonna hate u.. rofl. but now, i wont scam ppl with the stones trick anymore, coz people now are become more briliant and they will always up-to-date about latest scam tricks, etc. etc.
05/05/2007, 05:03
elite*gold: 0
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*** hole it old trick
05/05/2007, 06:37
elite*gold: 0
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yea thats what i usually do
05/06/2007, 12:13
elite*gold: 0
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***** i have the best all time scam for conquer
i will share this info for a priice ..e maiil me for the details at  ive been playing conquer for a week...planned out this scam and now i have 2 lvl 110 fire tao's with full soc..........no lie...its a big scam so im not freely giving the how to's on it............e mail me to see details on my asking price on this glorious secret
05/06/2007, 12:17
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by kilians@May 6 2007, 12:13
***** i have the best all time scam for conquer
i will share this info for a priice ..e maiil me for the details at ive been playing conquer for a week...planned out this scam and now i have 2 lvl 110 fire tao's with full soc..........no lie...its a big scam so im not freely giving the how to's on it............e mail me to see details on my asking price on this glorious secret
lol <.< i gots HUGE secret also <.< send me shitloads of money to email  and i tell it to you <.<
05/07/2007, 01:00
elite*gold: 0
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lol <.< i gots HUGE secret also <.< send me shitloads of money to email and i tell it to you <.<
HOW DO YOU KNOW MY EMAIL?!?!?!?! Plx dun give it out, TQ will ban me [img]text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text=lol' border='0' alt='lol' />
lol, Joking aside, This is a good scam, Though, I am against scamming xD I tend to read all the scams out there to protect my important pixels  Haha, I really don't care if I get scammed or not, it is just a game :P
05/08/2007, 01:14
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2005
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heh, the worst was during the halloween quest a while back. they made those amulets look like metscrolls for a while. there were twice as many amulets as metscrolls, yea that was horrible. xD
05/08/2007, 03:08
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 320
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nice scam lol.
everyone quadruple chex it on Mars tho xD
05/08/2007, 09:44
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 119
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Things like this are old, and still something that losers do.
I have 4 guilds on 4 diffrent servers (2 really big).
I have apply the basic rule about scamming.
If anyone do like this, they get kicked out, ASAP.
There are even 2nd RB noobs that try to get away with this, and scream like pigs when they get banned from the guild.
Basic pure blooded losers.
There might be a place for losers that scam.
But that place is not close to players.
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