Well I know theres a gajillion macro programs out there, but this one will eventually adapt to Conquer specs.
Let me start off by saying, I am truly sorry for the long time of release. I just cannot figure out the key-combo presses record (will explain later). And I am unable to get any help from.... anybody. So until I can get some help or I miraculously the key-combo presses will not be available.
What I mean by key-combo presses is that you CANNOT record/reply things such as Ctrl+LeftClick... Shift+(letter), Alt+Tab, Ctrl+RightClick... Etc.
The bright side is that I do have ALL key recording/replayings working. You can type a full sentence (with no capital letters) and backspace, and still record clicks, etc.
-After pressing Home or End to Start replay/record, you now press the DELETE key to START the record/replay functions. It will now not start until your permission to start

-Added in all key recording/replays.
-Changed some dialog.
Now I got to ask you guys. I'll give you, the community, a choice on what you want to see done next.:::
1.Get the key-combo presses working (may take time, but I'm sure I can get it done EVENTUALLY ><)
2. Able to let you record a pixel and what to do with that pixel recorded.
EX: If you want to pick up a meteor, you would drop or find a meteor on the ground, get its pixel values, then just left click anywhere. When you go back and replay it, it will wait until the Meteor color is on your screen, and once it is, it will left click it. (Or type something, if you wanted) THIS CAN BE USED TO MAKE YOUR OWN LVLING BOT!!!
3. Start working on some memory work, read and answer phrases, etc.
I hope for whichever step you choose, I can make it up to you for not getting the key-combo presses done now. I am not 100% sure I can get it done, as I have tried for HOURS staring down my script to find a solution. I believe Step 2 will be the favorite, and I have thought it out, it SHOULD be able to be done, we will see.
How-to... Use my program:
I'm not going to include a ReadMe, this post will be the 'ReadMe' of the program. But lucky for you, I put a messagebox at the beginning of the program that gives you directions and instructions

1. Start the program and read the message box that appears.
2. Enjoy

*A neat thing about this bot is if you make a very nice recorded file, you can upload it to epvp for people to use. Once they have the ini file all they have to do is run it with my bot. You will be able to be a 'bot-maker' without really having to code anything. Once I get keystrokes added in you can make auto-guard healers, auto-talkers, and MUCH more.*
IMPORTANT MUST READ:!!!!!!!::::::!!!!!!!!!!!
Hotkeys to replay/record and shut off the bot have been changed!
-Start/Stop recording- 'Home' key on your keyboard
-Start/Stop replay- 'End' key on your keyboard (below the 'Home' key)
-Exit the program - 'Page Up' (to the right of the 'Home' key)
-Start the record and replay - 'Delete' key. This does not STOP the record/replay, you press the key accordingly to stop that. 'Delete' only STARTS the record and replay functions.
These changes were made due to the fact I couldn't have any hotkeys in the F keys because if you pressed F5 to stop the recording it would record F5 as a key pressed... So I changed the hotkeys to keys I will never use nor anyone else really uses often.
It's confusing at first if you are used to my bot like I am... Just try dealing with it if you can

**** READ ****
I have had a few people notice the problem that I already knew, but totally forgot about it...
The problem is, when you replay the bot IN CONQUER, it sometimes does not register the clicks made to the Conquer screen. I'm taking a wild guess and gonna say that Conquer has something to check for an artificial click (a bot) and notes to not register that into the system, which means that click did not happen. Though sometimes it does work, other times it does not. It usually only effects NPC's and the PathFinding feature.
I will try working on a solution, but not sure what results I can get. What you will have to do to say click CoachLi in TC for the refined letter quest, when you st art the record, click CoachLi one or two times, maybe 3... The chances of not one of those 3 clicks registering is very unlikely. After that you just click the dialog he asks you and get the letter. As for other NPCs, do the same thing. Though I think when you click him the first time and it doesn't register the click, your character moves towards him. So in return, your character will have to be placed at the corner closest to him so he won't move when that first click don't register.
I hope that wasn't too confusing to understand... In short terms, when clicking a NPC or Pathfinding (not sure if this will work for pathfnding, did not test it), click the NPC 2-3 times to MAKE SURE that click is registered and does what its suppose to do.