[Buying] I am looking for a CA NA Account MAJ and up with decent perms, decent amount of GP. 02/17/2016 - Combat Arms Trading - 1 Replies Hello! First I would like to thank you for clicking this, whether accidental or not.
The title is self explanatory, but I will list some more things here.
I am looking for a CA NA Account preferably MAJ and up but I AM willing to look into any accounts below that rank, the rank is NOT a requirement but it is preferred. I will need to be assured that the account will not be banned and/or how to avoid from it being banned. I will also need to know if the account was banned before, and/or why it...
[Trading] WTT lvl65 Chanter (Decent Gear) with lvl65 Gladiator (Decent Gear) 09/14/2014 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies WTT lvl65 Chanter Decent Gear @Elyos Perento with lvl65 Gladiator Decent Gear @Perento.
+10 Kata wep (half of those manstones are comp stones crit/mr)
+10 Full 65a-4star set MR Good for solo pvp vs Mages and support group pvp.
+10 Gonon full lvl60 comp stones magic acc/crit. (2000+ Macc and 950+ Crit) Good for solo pvp.
Full HP set (Strife) Good for support pve.
+10/15 40e Full attack set Good for dps pve.
pm me for more info.
[Selling] [EUW] Diamond 2 account with decent runes & decent price 07/30/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies http://i.imgur.com/TUlUZ5g.jpg
EUW | Gold Division Elo | 2 Skins | decent champions | decent runes 02/18/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Euw account with gold division. Has around 50+/- champs and 2 skins. The acc also has a free transfer to EUNE or turkey server. For more information or if you're intersted in the account.. Pm me here Or message me at skype : Freshkid47
decent/good miner, and decent PvE. 5.5M SP 06/16/2012 - Eve Online Trading - 2 Replies This is the account up for sale.
eveboard - Abbigale Nova
She CAN pilot a Hulk, She just doesn't own one because of Hulkageddon and what not.
She will come with no isk (other then whatever ends up selling that's up on the market right now, a few mil worth of stuff, I believe)
She will come with a fully fitted Retriever for mining, a second retriever in a small pocket of high sec surrounded by low and null (if you want to risk flying out there for it to sell, or use, or whatever),...