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MW3 ChromatiX 2.2 Steam/aIW

Discussion on MW3 ChromatiX 2.2 Steam/aIW within the Call of Duty Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Call of Duty category.

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MW3 ChromatiX 2.2 Steam/aIW

Release of ChromatiX



Colored players (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
Colored Snipers (chose between the colors: Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
Colored explosives/sentry gun (choose between the colors: Green, Purple and Yellow)
Colored Juggernauts (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
Reduced/removed foliage ( This feature removes the bushes, high grass, leaves and other stuff
Reduce Smoke FX (reduces smoke efects of various thingies)
Remove Glass (removes glass textures from some of the models ingame)
Remove Snowflakes (removes snowing effectes in Outpost map)
No HudBlood (removes the blood splatters when being shot at, it also removes some other visual clutter)
Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)
Colored Weapons (user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
Transparent Riot (makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
Clear Scopes (makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
Golden Desert Eagle (as it was in CoD4 thanks to @ipaddie for idea)
Gold Camo Replacement (replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors... inspiration @ipaddie)
Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/grey)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one))
MonoSurface (makes all surfaces in game nice and glossy, improves performance as game engine does not have to render all the cracks and shit in walls, weapons, models, etc ...)

How to:

1. Download and extract the attachment at the bottom of this post.
2. Run MW3 ChromatiX.exe.
3. It should auto-detect your MW3 game path, if not, it will ask you to point to it.
4. Choose which colours you want for each team and for explosives and snipers, etc....
5. Choose whether to have reduced foliage, no blood HUD, scopes, monochromatic, etc ....
6. Create a backup, you should do this just in-case you want to uninstall the hack. Click on Backup button and wait till its finished. Be patient, don't close the window. To restore a backup, click on Restore. Restoring is very fast but the downside it that you will have to make a backup again.
7. Click on Install and wait for it to install. As written above, it should take around 5-10 minutes to install. It may depend on how fast your computer is.




MfG Have fun and enjoy it
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Old 08/19/2012, 17:19   #2
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Sehr schön!
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Old 08/19/2012, 18:43   #3
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Originally Posted by [-Ryn0-] View Post
Sehr schön!
Find ich auch ;D
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Old 08/19/2012, 22:56   #4
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Hey mal ne frage alsoo das backup muss ich nich selber machn frag mich das Texture hack danach also ob ich das backup will ?

Wie installiere ich es überhaupt
searchinhacks is offline  

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