This is my method of giveing Warning and infractions..but first what are warnings and infractions?!
Warning - literally its a warning stating that you violated a rule (minor rule only) for the 1st time. 3 consecutive warning will result for a 2month infraction..
Infraction (1month) - you have violated a rule (minor rule) more than twice or you have violated a rule (major rule)..three(3) consecutive(or within the period) 1month infraction would result for a ban..
Infraction (permanent) - You have violated a rule (Major rule) excessively affecting the thread,member or a MOD in an instant (like uploading a file with keylogger or a trojan, hardcore flamming, etc.)..
For Warnings:
1. 3x caught double posting..(there's always an "EDIT" Button for you to use if you need some follow ups or corrections).
2. Posting in wrong forum..(there are sections with [No Question] which mean literally no questions will be entertained or allowed)
3. Massive Spamming..(1x caught posting 3 or more consecutive post in one thread)
For Infractions:
1. Insulting or Mocking other Members in the forum..
2. Insulting or Mocking the Moderator..
3. Indecent Behavior (in slang words, Being an ***-hole)
4. Inappopriate language..
5. Uploading and infected file (with virus, worm, keylogger, etc.)
6. Advertising other forum sites
well if you want to get a warning or even an Infraction,just follow these simple steps and you will earn these from me.. have a nice day and be safe always..
EDIT: For comments and flammings please reply at the same post in the cabal main discussion section..