Discussion on 61 Berserker/Giant, 519 gs, 237ap, full boss, tet of/d/ku, epheria sail, 5 T3/T2 pets within the Black Desert Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.
As I will be away for long (travelling and work abroad), I have for sale a BDO EU account (non-Steam). I am the original owner of the account. I bought this BDO account in Sep 2019. Details:
Level 61.82 Berserker. 4/4 boss armor. TET Dandelion buster, TET Offin axe, TET Kutum knot, TRI layten, Sharp dest alch stone.
Level 54.21 Wizard.
Five more low level characters used for energy-requiring tasks.
Five pets (5 x level 10), 3 T3, 2 T2.
About 2.3 billion silver in cash, much more in materials value.
Two 30 days value packs, one 20 days, and an appearance change coupon.
1200 unused pearls, 7000 loyalty points.
Three storage butlers, one marketplace.
About 130 memory fragments, many black stones, hard/sharp crystal shards.
Many 40+ enhancement stacks (incl. some +35, +40, +45, +50, +60, even a +100 valks) -> plenty of materials for (high-grade) enhancing.
In total about 15 x combat books (7 day) and Kamasylve's Blessing (7 day) -> quick levelling.
Epheria sailboat with all accessoires -> perfect for Vell / seahunting.
A T5 horse with 100% Sprint and Instant acceleration.
In short, the account is fully ready to go into almost all content, and definitely the Drieghan content!
Feel free to have a look at the attached screenshots. If you are interested, send me a pm and I can provide you with further info / more screenshots. Price for the account is 230 euros and I would like to use a middleman for this. I have already created a separate e-mail address and linked this BDO account to it, so can do the safe transfer quickly.
[Selling] [EU] Dark Knight TET Dandelion, TET Kzarka, TET Nouver, EPHERIA FRIGATE 04/28/2018 - Black Desert Trading - 1 Replies Hello, I'd like to quit the game and I thought I'd get a bit of my time and money investment back by selling the account. The main character is a Dark Knight. She's only level 58 but has TET Dandelion, TET Kzarka, TET Nouver, TRI Bhegs, TRI Muskans and some blue grade accessories. You can easily level her to 60 in 2 weeks of intense grinding. I also own an Epheria Frigate (thats right, the other more expensive ship if you want to boast to your friends about your huge E-peen lol) with the black...