Hello, i'm selling my Black Desert account with level 50 Sorceress on it.
+12 Yuria Weapon
+8 Helrick Talisman
Decent Accesories Full Set(around 2M worth)
Currectly i have 79AP and 103DP
I am also Skilled 7 in fishing and that is basically how i was earring money
Tier 3 Level 25 Horse+Level 10 Eagle
Account items worth is around 55Milion Silver + I have 12Milion Silver in cash and about 15 Relic Shards
I didn't spend any of my Explorer Package stuff so you can Reset your skill/Recreate your character and use everything Explorer Package is offering including dyes.
Now let's talk about price. Consider that only Explorer Package is 50 Euros and i have everything i listed here, the price will be
80 Euros(90$) Paypal
Add me on Skype:nikola.djikanovic47
+12 Yuria Weapon
+8 Helrick Talisman
Decent Accesories Full Set(around 2M worth)
Currectly i have 79AP and 103DP
I am also Skilled 7 in fishing and that is basically how i was earring money
Tier 3 Level 25 Horse+Level 10 Eagle
Account items worth is around 55Milion Silver + I have 12Milion Silver in cash and about 15 Relic Shards
I didn't spend any of my Explorer Package stuff so you can Reset your skill/Recreate your character and use everything Explorer Package is offering including dyes.
Now let's talk about price. Consider that only Explorer Package is 50 Euros and i have everything i listed here, the price will be
80 Euros(90$) Paypal
Add me on Skype:nikola.djikanovic47