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Discussion on decrypter within the AutoIt forum part of the Coders Den category.

Old   #1
majidemo's Avatar
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im new to autoit, i need help creating a program that works like this
but, im trying to make something that im the one who will give what are the conversion..
i wish to convert my input or convert it back to original.

please? can anyone help me or enlighten me.. thanks alot..

example, i enter majidemo on the textbox the result will be yu~}pqy{ or the other way around )
here it is.

a = u
b = v
c = w
d = p
e = q

& so-on
the format:


%&' !"#,-$



t%&' !"#,-$9)?ecqf`ma}{dOIugprs|~?x/3nlwbvzy8:;H
`1234567890-=	qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./\


` = t
1 = %
2 = &
3 = '
4 = {spacebar}
5 = !
6 = "
7 = #
8 = ,
9 = -
0 = $
- = 9
= = )
{tab} = ?
q = e
w = c
e = q
r = f
t = `
y = m
u = a
i = }
o = {
p = d
[ = O
] = I
a = u
s = g
d = p
f = r
g = s
h = |
j = ~
k = ?
l = x
; = /
' = 3
z = n
x = l
c = w
v = b
b = v
n = z
m = y
, = 8
. = :
/ = ;
| = H

~ = j
! = 5
@ = T
# = 7
$ = 0
% = 1
^ = J
& = 2
* = >
( = <
) = =
_ = k
+ = ?
{tab} = ?
Q = E
W = C
E = Q
R = F
T = @
Y = M
U = A
I = ]
O = [
P = D
{ = o
} = i
A = U
S = G
D = P
F = R
G = S
H = \
J = ^
K = _
L = X
: = .
" = 6
Z = N
X = L
C = W
V = B
B = V
N = Z
M = Y
< = (
> = *
? = +
| = h
majidemo is offline  
Old 08/15/2010, 18:57   #2
Shadow992's Avatar
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Originally Posted by majidemo View Post
im new to autoit, i need help creating a program that works like this
but, im trying to make something that im the one who will give what are the conversion..
i wish to convert my input or convert it back to original.

please? can anyone help me or enlighten me.. thanks alot..

example, i enter majidemo on the textbox the result will be yu~}pqy{ or the other way around )
here it is.

a = u
b = v
c = w
d = p
e = q

& so-on
Crap, if you use this kind of encryption it will be really easy to break it.
I just need to decompile autoit script and then i got it...
Better is using something like this:

PHP Code:
Func Encrypt($string,$KeyNumber)
$i=0 to Ubound(array)-
return $encrypted
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1 User
Old 08/15/2010, 19:36   #3
majidemo's Avatar
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ooh thanks for the tip. but i need to do something like this

[email protected]$
% M{a4su}z41p4_}
& Z{`4qz{as|4y{zqm:
' @|q4sf{ad4p{qgz3`4ql}g`4uzmy{fq:
! 1g4gaff{azpg4m{a4vm4ymg`qf}{ag4d{cqf4
" u``uw}zs4(1g*4<1p841p=
# Xaw}p4x}s|`4g`uf`g4`{4gaff{azp4vm41g
, Azuvxq4`{4{dqz:
- M{a4zqqp4&|4g}xx4`{4agq4&|4cqud{zg
%$ M{a4|ubq4`{4da`4}z4uxx4{r4m{af4Xawm4Vuxxg
%% M{a4zqqp4&|4gxug|4cqud{z4`{4agq4`|}g4g}xx:
%& Wuz3`4vq4xqufzqp4vm4Y}w{
%' Ufw|qfm4yug`qfm
% $@|u`4dxumqf4|ug4z{4qyd`m4f{{y:
% %M{a4wuz3`4y{bq4}`:
% &M{a4wuz3`4y{bq4}`4rf{y4`fupqf4c}zp{c:
% 'Uppqp:
%  Yul}yay4zayvqf4|ug4vqqz4qlwqqpqp:
% !M{a4wuz3`4y{bq4}z`{4gqxqw`qp4N{zq:
% "M{a4wuz4@qxqd{f`4qbqfm4'4gqw{zpg:
% #X{up}zs
% ,Z{`4qz{as|4f{{y4}z4m{af4}zbqz`{fm:
% -M{a4zqqp4`{4vq41p4xqbqx4`{4sq`4`|f{as|:
%! P{avxq4wx}w4{z4m{af4xqr`4y{agq
%!-`1234567890-=   qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./\
%"$~!@#$%^&*()_+   QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?|
%" M{a4wuz3`4{dqz4u4c}zp{c4c|}xq4|{xp}zs4uz4}`qy:
%# M{af4`fud4}g4uxfqupm4}z4agq
%, W|ufy
&" עƳ 
&"!* *͵Ƴ
#$ M{a4wuz4agq4paf}zs4S{xp4Rqg`}bux4Qbqz`4{zxm:
# String Table
# On Error : Log Exit
# Author : 
# Data Uniqur ID : 126
0   <Auto Follow> has been cancelled
1   You have no arrows.
4   It has been cancelled
5   You cannot use run ability for 3 minutes.
6   You need to be %d level to get through.
7   You have %d days of playtime left
8   You have %d minutes of playtime left
9   %s PvP on
10  %s PvP off
11  You gained a level! 
12  You gain %d experience.
13  You lost %d experience.
14  You gain %d Ki
15  You lost %d Ki
16  Sword Mastery improved!
17  Axe Mastery improved!
18  Mace Mastery improved!
19  Spear Mastery improved!
20  Wand Mastery improved!
21  Archery Mastery improved!
22  Bomb Mastery improved!
23  Repair Successful!
24  Not enough money.
25  No need to repair your item.
26  You are not the leader of this group.
27  You are already in a group.
28  No one to invite.
29  You cannot invite yourself.
30  That player is already in a group.
31  That player is being invited.
32  Your group is full.
33  You are not invited
34  The group doesn't exist anymore.
35  You cannot invite anymore.
36  You couldn't join this group.
37  Group leaders cannot leave party.
38  There's no available member.
39  Group leaders cannot leave party.
40  You formed a group.
41  Group has been disbanded.
42  You invite "%s" to join your group.
43  %s invites you to join their party. \nDo you want to join?
44  %s joined your group
45  You left your group
46  %s left your group
47  You have been expelled from your group
48  %s has been expelled from your group
49  %s looted %s Item.
50  Your Fame has decreased!
51  Slate has been destroyed!
52  You received spiritual energy
53  You are surrounded by lucid light
54  %s surrounds you by mysterious power 
55  You died. You have %d resurrection left. 
56  <Guild Flag> is under attack.
57  Guild Flag of %s is under attack. %s (%d, %d)
58  You are attacking their Guild Flag
59  Enemy detected near your Guild Flag
60  <%s>Guild invades the Flag of <%s> Guild
61  You invaded the enemy's Guild Flag
62  <%s> is being attacked
63  attacking <%s> 
64  attacking <%s> (%d, %d)
65  <%s>'s Guild leader <%s> is being attacked  
66  <%s>'s Guild leader <%s> is being attacked ( %d, %d)
67  Attacking <Enemy's Guild leader>  
68  Supporting cancelled. You did well.
69  Supporting set up. Good luck.
70  Supporting has been disbanded.
71  You have %s points of damage.
72  %s is cracked.
73  %s is cracked and shattered.
74  Lucid light starts to surround by %s
75  %s is surrounded by blessing energy.
76  You can't find %s.
77  Knight
78  Necromancer
79  Micko 
80  Sorcerer
81  Please use command.
82  That is not a valid command
83  %d. storage is not registered.
84  Unable to open.
85  Your Inventory is full.
86  Insufficient gold!
87  Guild leader is required to join the guildwar.
88  No empty room in your storage
89  Please wait until your pet moves.
90  You can't equip it there.
91  Please wait until your pet arrives.
92  You can't equip it there.
93  You need Archery skill to use bow
94  You need 2h skill to use 2h weapons
95  No empty room for that shield
96  Not enough skill points.
97  You are low on level
98  You are out of level limit
99  No Material to make potion
100 Not enough room in your inventory
101 Out of money
102 Please select an item
103 You are not high enough
104 You have to put in all of your Lucky Balls
105 Repairing Weapons and Armors only.
106 This is fist page
107 This is last page
108 You are not the leader of this group
109 Please select a character to invite
110 That player is in your guild.
111 Nothing happened.
112 You need to be .
113 You need 1h slash weapon to use this skill.
114 You need 2h slash weapon to use this skill.
115 You need two weapons in both hands to use this skill.
116 You need bow to use this skill.
117 You need bomb to use this skill.
118 Only heroes can use this.
119 Only criminals can use this.
120 Out of Health Point
121 Out of Mana Point
122 Can't be learned by Knight
123 Can't be learned by Necromancers
124 Can't be learned by Micko
125 Can't be learned by Sorcerer
126 Can't be learned by Assassin 
127 Can't be learned by Sage
128 Can't be learned by Cleric
129 Can't be learned by Wizard
130 Sword mastery
131 Axe mastery
132 Mace mastery
133 Spear mastery
134 Archery mastery
135 Wand mastery
136 Bomb mastery
137 %s has been sold for %s gold
138 You sold %s for %s gold.
139 You have no empty room for this item.
140 That player has no empty room.
141 You can't move it.
142 You can't move it from trader window.
143 Added.
144 Maximum number has been exceeded.
145 You can't move into selected Zone.
146 You can Teleport every 3 seconds.
147 Loading
148 Not enough room in your inventory.
149 You need to be %d level to get through.
150 You got %s for %s gold.
151 You sold %s for %s gold.
152 Argh!
153 Drag down your left mouse
154 Double click on your left mouse
155 Click on your left mouse
156 Drag down your right mouse
157 Double click on your right mouse
158 Click on your right mouse
159 Auto attack on
160 Auto attack off
161 %s whispers: %s
162 You whisper %s: %s
163 /whisper
164 You can't open a window while holding an item.
165 Assassin weapon needed.
166 You have no special weapon(throwing-knives/bomb)
167 Skill failed.
168 Cannot find target
169 %s location - %d, %d
170 You can't use trap there
171 You can't use trap
172 You have succeed tracking
173 There is no target to track
174 Your trap is already in use
176 Current pendant cannot be enchanted.
177 You can't move your item while trading.
178 Lacking of Ki! The Death Penalty will restore one of your highest stat into Ki Points.  %s (%d -> %d)
185 %s item is getting rusty.
186 %s item is cracked. Please repair it.
187 %s item has been damaged.
188 %s item is on low quality. (-1)
200 Cannot pick item
220 You can't attack in safe zones.
221 Your Target is in safe zone.
222 You can't use skill in safe zones
250 No Service for that.
300 Say
301 Whisper
302 Group chat
303 Guild chat
350 Urgh! It's a rotten chestnut.
351 You let it fall by mistake.
352 tastes good.
353 Hmm...going to try another one.
355 Not enough money to construct.
400 < %s in Alliancechat : %s >
401 < %s in Guildchat : %s >
402 < %s in Partychat : %s >
500 You have paid %d gold.
601 Send
602 Echo
603 Common
700 Your effect will hold for %d minute(s).
701 Your effect has been faded.
702 You can have only one.
703 You are not able to trade.
704 You can use during Gold Festival Event only.
750 Your stats have been reset.
751 You cancelled the Stat-Redistribution.

i have this code

$String = "74G`f}zs4@uvxq"
MsgBox(0, "Before StringReplace", $String)

$String = StringReplace($String, '`', 't')
$String = StringReplace($String, '1', '%')
$String = StringReplace($String, '2', '&')
$String = StringReplace($String, "3", "'")
$String = StringReplace($String, '4', ' ')
$String = StringReplace($String, '5', '!')
$String = StringReplace($String, '6', '"')
$String = StringReplace($String, '7', '#')
$String = StringReplace($String, '8', ',')
$String = StringReplace($String, '9', '-')
$String = StringReplace($String, '0', '$')
$String = StringReplace($String, '-', '9')
$String = StringReplace($String, '=', ')')
$String = StringReplace($String, '  ', '?')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'q', 'e')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'w', 'c')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'e', 'q')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'r', 'f')
$String = StringReplace($String, 't', '`')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'y', 'm')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'u', 'a')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'i', '}')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'o', '{')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'p', 'd')
$String = StringReplace($String, '[', 'O')
$String = StringReplace($String, ']', 'I')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'a', 'u')
$String = StringReplace($String, 's', 'g')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'd', 'p')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'f', 'r')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'g', 's')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'h', '|')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'j', '~')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'k', '?')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'l', 'x')
$String = StringReplace($String, ';', '/')
$String = StringReplace($String, '$', '3')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'z', 'n')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'x', 'l')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'c', 'w')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'v', 'b')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'b', 'v')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'n', 'z')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'm', 'y')
$String = StringReplace($String, ',', '8')
$String = StringReplace($String, '.', ':')
$String = StringReplace($String, '/', ';')
$String = StringReplace($String, '|', 'H')
$String = StringReplace($String, '~', 'j')
$String = StringReplace($String, '!', '5')
$String = StringReplace($String, '@', 'T')
$String = StringReplace($String, '#', '7')
$String = StringReplace($String, '$', '0')
$String = StringReplace($String, '%', '1')
$String = StringReplace($String, '^', 'J')
$String = StringReplace($String, '&', '2')
$String = StringReplace($String, '*', '>')
$String = StringReplace($String, '(', '<')
$String = StringReplace($String, ')', '=')
$String = StringReplace($String, '_', 'k')
$String = StringReplace($String, '+', '?')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'Q', 'E')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'W', 'C')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'E', 'Q')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'R', 'F')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'T', '@')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'Y', 'M')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'U', 'A')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'I', ']')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'O', '[')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'P', 'D')
$String = StringReplace($String, '{', 'o')
$String = StringReplace($String, '}', 'i')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'A', 'U')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'S', 'G')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'D', 'P')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'F', 'R')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'G', 'S')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'H', '\')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'J', '^')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'K', '_')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'L', 'X')
$String = StringReplace($String, ':', '.')
$String = StringReplace($String, '"', '6')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'Z', 'N')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'X', 'L')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'C', 'W')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'V', 'B')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'B', 'V')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'N', 'Z')
$String = StringReplace($String, 'M', 'Y')
$String = StringReplace($String, '<', '(')
$String = StringReplace($String, '>', '*')
$String = StringReplace($String, '?', '+')
$String = StringReplace($String, '|', 'h')

MsgBox(0, "After StringReplace", $String)
but i input (74G`f}zs4@uvxq) w/c really means (# String Table)
when i run it displays this = (7 S`RiZS @UVLQ)

i believe the reason is its not case sensitive? i dont know.. correct me if im wrong.. or maybe it goes like this ` > t > `
because i have defined that ` is t and t is `..

please help fix? thank you very much..

i found this document im reading it right now
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Old 08/15/2010, 19:38   #4
HardCore.1337's Avatar
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pls use Spoiler.
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Old 08/16/2010, 10:47   #5
majidemo's Avatar
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sir? w/ my given input and outpud on my previous post, can u tell what the key is for the encryption? im trying to decryp a game..
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Old 08/16/2010, 12:34   #6
Shadow992's Avatar
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Originally Posted by majidemo View Post
sir? w/ my given input and outpud on my previous post, can u tell what the key is for the encryption? im trying to decryp a game..
The game encryption is for sure not as easy as you think.
Maybe now it is this:
but if the text is longer its this:
and its also important to know where the character is, the "b" can be the first time a "h" and the sencond time a "u".
Or maybe the password is changing, this is also possible.
Game encryption isnt that easy , you have to reverse the game, find the encryption function and use it in your Project. You can detour the fuction, too... There are many ways to do it, but its not as easy as it sounds.
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Old 08/16/2010, 16:28   #7
majidemo's Avatar
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thanks for all the help im done with this one...
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