Es heißt "Extraction Tutorial" nicht "Rendering Tutorial" >.>
Im Bereich der Computergrafik bezeichnet Rendern die Erzeugung eines digitalen Bildes aus einer Bildbeschreibung. Bei einer zweidimensionalen Beschreibung ist damit die Rasterung gemeint. Bei 3D-Szenen sind räumliche Objekt-Daten Teil der Bild- oder Szenenbeschreibung. Die Software dazu wird als (3D-)Renderer bezeichnet, siehe dazu den Hauptartikel 3D-Computergrafik.
Need help about the pk2 extraction tool 12/26/2009 - SRO Private Server - 0 Replies Hello all , I need help about media.pk2 extraction tool to swsro
I get tool from here -bots-cheats-exploits/364929-all-sro-pk2-extractor -english-patch.html
Download and copy to swsro folder
Run its and click open pk2 and browse to media.pk2 but when i click nothing happens
When i click open media.pk2 wont open
Can any 1 help me with this or just give me new tool or new topics to download from and thanks
What Bot has extraction tool? 11/29/2009 - Aion - 0 Replies I wonder if some bot has the extraction tool, to get materials.
Alternative grf extraction? 09/07/2009 - Ragnarok Online - 0 Replies There is a new way to encrypt the grf files to prevent grf extractors from extacting out the data. The images below are from 2 different type of errors on two different grfs using the same grf extractor provided by openkore. Are there any alternative methods to extract data out from grf files this time? Most of the servers in china are using this encryption for their grf files. jpg pg
myp extraction 01/09/2009 - General Gaming Releases - 2 Replies Why hello there.
For all those here who thought about digging through the data stored in the myp files but couldn't be bothered to find out how to do it i have a short summary about that.
0) The file format
These files are basically a huge array of compressed or not so much zlib compressed (i.e. videos) files. Each entry is described with some basic info like file hash, compressed size, compression and uncompressed size to name a few. Apart from that the file has of course a header of...
wpe/rpe extraction 10/15/2008 - Ragnarok Online - 1 Replies hello
i tried to connect to my server and i wanna now how to extract the ID of account from send/recv packets.
Do someone which packet contains ID of acc? Can u give some example please?