Hi all
me trade my lvl48 ranger in archon.
have: Darila 0/1 Barom 0/1 Shuta 0/1
full unique gear.
Or sell my unique(Darila,Shuta,Barom) for other unique or Wcoin
Wts Unique on Archon 09/02/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies Shuta Empty
Blode Empty
Barom Empty
sell it For PSC or Money
Pm me with offer
57 zerk unique and realm in Archon 07/31/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies hey all
i trade my zerk in archon server for other char in gracia server or Cyírip or Gaiahon
zerk have:
blode ring 1/1 5% resi stone
Shuta ring 1/1 stam lvl3
nuendo armor 4/4
some wc lens,toa,lucky,phantom,keys.etc.
i prefer other char lvl50+with unique and realm.
pm me u offer
bb all
WTT Unique in Archon 06/19/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies i sell or trade for other unique or Wcoin(p) my unique.
Barom Ring 0/1
Shuta Ring 0/1
Darila Necklance 0/1
pm me u offer!!!!
[Archon] WTT Karkaen for Realm/Unique 06/11/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies Im wanting to trade my Karkaen for some Archer Realm parts..
Ice Cap
Noviel or Riley gloves
WTT Unique for other Unique or Char. Cyripus 10/22/2009 - Archlord Trading - 1 Replies Hey everybody
I want to trade my Biglos Necklace for...
• other unique
• char (prefer Archer!?)
Biglos Neck is 0/1.
I will give you the stone you want to put in for free with it, but not wings ;D