I need some level 3 skill block stones (around 3-4) and a few level 3 Life Prayer and Stamina Increase stones. Furthermore, I need level 4/5 water stones, and reinforcement potions to upgrade my armor.
WTT ARCHEON CC AND STONES REINF POTS 08/31/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies I have all stones lvl 3 30+ each reinf packs 99 some cc marver scrools recovery pots i trade all for gracia stuff!
[Deribelle] WTB reinf pot, elemental stones 03/14/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies Searching for Reinforcements potions and earth-related stones. Expecting a great discount!! ;D
[Evengarda]WTS stones & ref pots 03/08/2010 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies Hey i want to sell some stones on evengarda server
2x99 attack lvl3
80 pshysical resist lvl3
3x99 lvl 5 fire stones
3x99 lvl 5 water
3x99 lvl 5 magic
3x99 lvl 5 earth
2x99 reiforce potions
4x99 stamina lvl 3
and a lot of those event food from cm
Brum-WTS Stones/Refs/Etc 07/19/2009 - Archlord Trading - 1 Replies Brumhart Only
Currently have:-
1000 Lv3 attacks, Lv5 Air/Fire/Eart/Magic/Water, Phys resist lv3, stam+15(for necklaces etc), Stam increase, Life +80, 340 gold coins, 70 Rez Orbx, 200 Cat Potions
Working On
Skill Block, Light Speed, Lucky, Run Speed, Crit Hit, More GC
[Brum] WTS 99 Stack Stones And.. 07/08/2009 - Archlord Trading - 6 Replies Stones are $5 per stack,
1 Stack reverse orbs = $5
making 8/8 lv3 attack wep = $10
All sales go threw paypal. Quick service. PM me and lets make a deal