User is definitely a scammer, I myself have been stupid enough to buy the 10€ version, but I've found out later that it's a public cheat he is reselling. It's on UC, he claims he logs HWID and made some changes, when asked for proof if he can provide any solid proof that he did in fact improve the public cheat, he stays quiet.
When you mention that you'll chargeback, he gets all defensive, saying you're scamming him and he clearly doesn't get it that he sold you a public cheat. After asking for proof, I was only getting replies "I am not obligated to answer you anything", so basically, a huge proof that he is indeed selling a public, non modified cheat. As seen before, he forces people to cancel the disputes against him, claiming he will refund them but then blocking them right away, so DO NOT PURCHASE!
When I first purchased the cheat, it was not working right away, he was claiming his colleague (which doesn't even exist since he's the only admin in his discord server) is tinnkering with the server, which doesn't even exist. I've gone further to prove him that the cheat is not HWID bound, I've tried on 2 different computers, it works fine on both of them so, again, selling a public cheat. So, if you'd like to save some money, do not purchase from him, he is clearly not here to customers happy, he's here to steal some money off of you. Would also like to point out how confident he is that he'll win any dispute, and hes shifting blame on the customer at any given time.