[How to] Play Vindictus outside of NA

05/19/2011 10:51 vipseifer#226
You can use proxycap ver 3.24 not the new ver.
05/19/2011 14:32 Asuka_xL#227
Originally Posted by Αcid View Post
That means you can use proxycap without any problem? Did you have to replace something? Gonna add that info to the first page if you can confirm it.
it confirm. im login like nothing happen :D
btw im trying not to make this public to avoid sudden update about 64 bit :p
but owh well. :D
05/22/2011 14:49 H4cKzOrR#228
It work mostly On windows 7 because you can disable/lower the User Account control, and most thinks like hacks, programs and other thing work more better with windows 7, especially 64 bit, Need any help (windows7,vista users) Personal message me
I have a level 44 duel Lann, Havent played since last year, guest im coming back,
05/23/2011 14:06 karlmai#229
Hallo zusammen,

habe mittlerweile einiges durchprobiert.

Proxifier, Proxycap und OpenVPN

Connecten ist nie ein Problem, auch andere Spieler werden schnell geladen und ich komme auch bis zum Boot wo man da zum Trainings ding muss.

Aber ich bekomme immer die Meldung unauthorized program detected und dann werde ich vom Server getrennt.

Habe Win7 Prof 64bit und habe ausser den IP sachen nix am laufen, habe auch schon den HackShield ordner ausgetauscht aber hilft alles nichts. Hat jemand eine lösung für dieses Problem gefunden ??


I tryed Proxifier, Proxycap and OpenVPN, i can connect and everything seems to be working fine. But after a few Minutes i get the message unauthorized program detected and i get "kicked", i have changed the Hackshield folder but nothing seems to work, has anyone an idea to solve this problem ??
05/23/2011 15:31 goldfarm24#230
good to know
05/27/2011 08:50 Mister Joy#231
They should complete the EU Version instead of finding ways to keep them out of NA Vindictus.
05/27/2011 11:58 Acid#232
Originally Posted by Mister Joy View Post
They should complete the EU Version instead of finding ways to keep them out of NA Vindictus.
I can just agree with you :) With each update they try to ugrade HackShield to detect the Proxy Programs.
05/29/2011 08:26 the dealer#233
well, i skimmed through those pages and i think it's still working but i still gotta be noobish enough to ask :p..

does these methods still work? :p..and how laggy does this thing get considering i live in Egypt..i think it will be pretty laggy given that i don't have the best connection in the world ofc (it pretty much sucks!) ..

am currently playing Dragon nest and am happy with it but if this game works with descent performance it would be the game to play for the next..say 3 years? :p..at least till Blade and soul comes out :D
05/29/2011 23:42 Acid#234
Originally Posted by the dealer View Post
well, i skimmed through those pages and i think it's still working but i still gotta be noobish enough to ask :p..

does these methods still work? :p..and how laggy does this thing get considering i live in Egypt..i think it will be pretty laggy given that i don't have the best connection in the world ofc (it pretty much sucks!) ..

am currently playing Dragon nest and am happy with it but if this game works with descent performance it would be the game to play for the next..say 3 years? :p..at least till Blade and soul comes out :D
I recently made an update on my first post, for sure the proxyfirewall and AOL method work, the Proxycap i didn't test till now.

Well you are playing Dragon Nest NA? If you are playing the NA version with a proxy you should be able to play Vindictus aswell with a decent connection.

Vindictus is for sure a lot of fun for a longer time period i can assure that. I would say give it a try ;)
05/30/2011 08:44 lukioo#235
proxyfirewall dont work under w7 x64 at all, it dont apply proxy to any program.
AOL methot works but is ultra mega laggly...

any ideas ?
05/30/2011 13:20 Trokana#236
Originally Posted by lukioo View Post
proxyfirewall dont work under w7 x64 at all, it dont apply proxy to any program.
AOL methot works but is ultra mega laggly...

any ideas ?
try it with ProxyCap it work for me like a charm and its easy to use
it works for w7 64bit
05/30/2011 16:56 lukioo#237
Originally Posted by Trokana View Post
try it with ProxyCap it work for me like a charm and its easy to use
it works for w7 64bit
what version ? on orginal hs ?
i got dc on:

i even try vpn today...
05/30/2011 17:35 .Revan#238
<.< Ich wurde gebannt weil ich nen Proxy benutzt hab -.-
Naja, hab mir mal nen Account bei Mabinogi Heroes (Vindictus KR) gekauft.
Das problem ist immer der jeweilige Proxy.
Ich glaube in Korea gibts garkeine Socks 5 oder?
05/30/2011 20:25 Acid#239
Originally Posted by lukioo View Post
what version ? on orginal hs ?
i got dc on:

i even try vpn today...
Well an american VPN should work in any case.

And about ur proxycap problem, i can't really help you with that since i'm using just Proxyfirewall at the moment it works smooth. But people told me ver. 3.24 is supposed to work.

<.< Ich wurde gebannt weil ich nen Proxy benutzt hab -.-
Naja, hab mir mal nen Account bei Mabinogi Heroes (Vindictus KR) gekauft.
Das problem ist immer der jeweilige Proxy.
Ich glaube in Korea gibts garkeine Socks 5 oder?
Du bist der erste von dem ich das höre o.O Welches lvl warst du? Und hast du ein support ticket geschrieben und nach gefragt?

Ja Vindictus KR acc kostet eh nur 6€ aber nen Proxy dafür zu finden dauert ;)

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Viel Glück dabei.

Bald kommt der Karok auf Vindictus NA =3
05/30/2011 20:37 lukioo#240
Originally Posted by Αcid View Post
Well an american VPN should work in any case.
And about ur proxycap problem, i can't really help you with that since i'm using just Proxyfirewall at the moment it works smooth. But people told me ver. 3.24 is supposed to work.
it's really strange thing, i tried bestfreevpn.com(it works without any programs, just windows settings) and hs detect it after 5 minutes. same thing with proxycap, all version works fine, but only like 5 minutes...
do you guys use cracked/older version hackshield ?