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VMware hilfe
Discussion on VMware hilfe within the Aion forum part of the MMORPGs category.
12/19/2009, 16:53
elite*gold: 0
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VMware hilfe
hab mir vmware aufgesetzt zum botten.
Hab den Aion Client einfahc rüberkopiert, aber leider geht da der NClauncher nicht an. Es kommt immer eine fehlermeldung.Vielleicht weiss wer was man da machen könnte.
12/19/2009, 17:18
elite*gold: 0
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euh which bot do you use? AionNinja doesn't support vmware since it has a problem with loading the dx driver, there is a fix for it, but it's quite advanced. Other bots should work fine on it. If this isn't your problem, try to translate it into english (if you speak it) and you'll get much more help
Hope this helps!
(what's up with the forum btw?)
12/19/2009, 17:29
elite*gold: 0
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^^my problem is that i can't start NCsoft Launcher on my VMware and i dont know why,
my internet there is working and i tested Rappelz there and it works also.
12/19/2009, 17:34
elite*gold: 0
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Du musst den Launcher händisch in deiner vm installieren --> dann starten --> rechtsklick auf aion im launcher --> einstellungen --> verzeichnis von aion angeben.
Copy pasten kann man den launcher nicht!
You have to install the Launcher on your vm ware, than start it, right click on aion in the list and point to the directory where your aion is installed in vm ware.
You cant copy paste the NC Soft Launcher!
12/19/2009, 17:41
elite*gold: 0
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ja genau das hab ich auch mit bekommen , hab ja auch den downloader exe von ncsoft geladen und gestartet aber wenn er versucht den NCsoft launcher zu laden bleibt das immer bei 0% und es kommt ein verbindungs problem.
vllt liegt das an der NAT verbindung.(neben bei hab nen Router)
yes i download the ncsoftlauncher downloader, but if i start it i get the following
problem.The problem could be the NAT connection but i don't know.
12/19/2009, 18:02
elite*gold: 0
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Thanks for translating
Could you specify which version of vmware are you using?
12/19/2009, 18:07
elite*gold: 0
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i am using VMware® Workstation 7.0.0 build-203739 with win xp sp3.
i have tried before with VMplayer ,but there was the same problem.
Now i have managed the bridged connection, but still same problem.
12/19/2009, 18:13
elite*gold: 0
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Hmm, can you post your System Setup? (mobo, cpu, ram, graphiccard)
12/19/2009, 19:12
elite*gold: 0
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Windows 7 x64
mobo : asrock penryon .....
grafikcard geforce8500gt
cpu Intel core2quad 6600
ram 8096 ddr2
12/19/2009, 19:14
elite*gold: 0
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Weird system lol, a 6600 and 8 gigs of memory xD.
Anyway your system seems fine, can you tell me do you use the internal internet card or do you have another one (with internal i mean onboard on your motherboard)?
12/19/2009, 19:30
elite*gold: 0
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its onboard
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