WTB Atreia classic account elyos only 05/01/2023 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Buying an account with an character already made on Atreia classic lvl doesnt matter, can be lvl 1 idc as long as it is on atreia. DM offer here. no cringe scammers thank you. - discord : 2211#2271
[Buying] WTB aion classic - ATREIA ACCOUNT ELYOS 04/30/2023 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Wtb atreia account on aion classic. Class and lvl doesnt matter, if its atleast lvl 25+ i will pay more money ofc.
Add me on discord:
WTB Elyos Account atreia(ranger prefered but not a must) 04/29/2023 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies If anyone is selling Elyos account on atreia, prefer ranger but not a must, pm me ur discord id via PM!
I have an Asmo account on Atreia, i am willing to trade it for an Elyos account!
for those wo pm me for others servers.. pls stop... i want only server "Atreia" ... also fresh account prefered!
[Buying] Antriksha/Elyos Bygone Atreia Greatsword 03/11/2017 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Hey,
I'd like to buy the new lvl 80 Extend GS. Paying well.
Just contact me via PM.