[WTT] Elyos sorc for Asmo sorc, Nexus or WTS 06/15/2013 - Aion Trading - 3 Replies As the title says, i have an elyos sorcerer, but my friends are playing on asmo side. I really love the class but it takes too much to reroll, so consider this trade as a free "race change ticket" to try out new places/quests and people.
Coming to details...
Storming's Tome +1 slotted with 5xMA+14 and fused with another Stormwing's tome. Godstone 940 dmg 2% applied.
Elite Guardian Tribunus Tunic (50e) socketed with 6xMB+22
Coliseum Cond1 Leggings socketed with 5xMB+22...
wts NEXUS elyos sorc account-elyos side 11/30/2012 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies great gear : Padmarashka's tome + 60 balic orange tome
full gbg jewelry ,kharun's wings
full arena lvl 60 C2 armor
1.9kk ap, 150 mithril medals
lots of insignas too
leave a reply here or pm me