55 Ranger & 55 SM on Spatalos (Veteran) 09/15/2012 - Aion Trading - 19 Replies Ranger has 2/6 GBG accessories (Neck & Earring) but is 150k AP & 5 medals away from 2nd Earring.
SW bow +4
Full arena cond 1 gear fully green manastone socket (mostly +2)
Orichalcum rings
36k cruc 3k courage (this will go up more probably)
90kk kinah shared across account, magic res, magic acc, crit 17s, hp 95s etc in shared warehouse,
WTS LVL 52 RANGER (SPATALOS EU) 08/03/2011 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies Soon I am getting married and I dont have time for this game anymore :(
Server: Spatalos
Race: Elyos
Class: Ranger
LVL: 52
Money on account: Around 1.7 mil in sellable items (worty durable egrasi bows)
Stigma build: Bestial Fury I, Sleep Arrow I, Bow of Blessing I, Focused Shots I, Arrow Deluge VI, Explosive Arrow II, Silence Arrow V, Hunter’s Might I
Abyss Points: 23067
Warehouse: around 100 000 Abyss points (major ancient crowns).