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Discussion on BattleGround within the 4Story forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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Server with BG?
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Old 05/14/2017, 01:56   #2
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Originally Posted by kozdam4s View Post
Server with BG?
gf & Global
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Old 05/22/2017, 22:38   #3
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Old 05/23/2017, 15:00   #4

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Originally Posted by aiutkapec100 View Post
you have forget about zemi .... also servers like p4s have some nice modes too
@ already mentioned zemi (global). Also, that guy asked about BG. P4s does not have BG. No private server atm does have it.
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Old 05/28/2017, 15:41   #5
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Old 05/29/2017, 08:44   #6
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Eden 4Story has BG.
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Old 05/30/2017, 14:14   #7

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Originally Posted by surikata View Post
Eden 4Story has BG.
Eden is offline since nearly a half year or more? Dunno
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Old 06/01/2017, 05:59   #8
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Araz4S will have soon
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Old 06/01/2017, 07:32   #9

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battle ground? yea for sure xDDD
maybe battle royal x.x
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