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I have a problem with my script.Help me to fix a problem please.

Discussion on I have a problem with my script.Help me to fix a problem please. within the 12Sky2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 6
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I have a problem with my script.Help me to fix a problem please.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: myName

Script Function:
Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

;Ok, here is the code...
;This bot was build to bot with the following conditions:
; i.- Jinong-Female char ; ii.- Aeria games ; iii.- F1-Loot, F4 skill, F9 to exit.
; iv.- Red mob ; v.- R55 mob
;This bot uses action hack to revive.
; Special thanks to UPSman2, I used some of his code :P :
; Made by me, Kesawea. (don't PM me questions about the code, unless u have made a contribution on this thread)
; Translated to english (and add some comments) because XiaoBao requested.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <NomadMemory.au3> ;because you need this for _memread functions
#include <Process.au3> ; to write on a DOS console.

HotKeySet("{F9}", "MyExit") ;Hit F9 to exit the script.
HotKeySet("{F10}", "FAtckspeed") ;Hit F10 to apply atck hack.
HotKeySet("{F11}", "FRunspeed") ;Hit F11 to apply run hack.


$Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("BOT", 10, 20, 150)
$Button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Revive!", 160, 20, 80)
$Button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Hack Attack spd on 100% (F10)", 160, 70, 160)
$Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Hack Run spd on 50% (F11)", 160, 120, 160)
$Label_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("(N? of times ressurected)",160, 0) ; Just to show how many times u died.

GUISetState ()
;the window to get PID
$Process1 = WinGetProcess("TwelveSky2")
Const $accion = 0x00C85D17, $revive = 1, $muerte1 = 6556776, $muerte2 = 3072, $muerte3 = 6556712, $muerte4 = 6556904, $muerte5 = 6556840 ; Death = muerte xD (those are the values of the animation addss. when this char dies, there might be more)
Const $nada[3] = [0,0,1], $sCommand = "start C:\autopot"
Global $contador = 1, $xTop = 5, $yTop = 82, $xBot = 1023, $yBot = 736, $mobGreen = "0x5C5672", $contador2 = 0, $x, $y ; contador = counter, mobgreen = mob color
Global $atkspdA = 0x00C85D77, $runspdA = 0x00C60770, $atkspd = 100, $runspd = 50, $comodin[3] = [0,0,1], $coord[2] = [0,0], $coordm[3] = [0,0,0]

; _RunDOS ( $sCommand ) ; runs the autopot script :P
While 1 ;main loop
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; this doesn't work when you activate the bot.

Case $msg = $Button_1 ; on click button "BOT", do:
while 1
Case $msg = $Button_2 ;Force ressurection, but doesn't work when the char dies in the loop execut. (for that it's the "revive()" funct)
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($accion, $Mem_Open, $revive)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards
GUICtrlSetData($Label_1,$contador) ; sets label to value of read memory
$contador = $contador + 1
Case $msg = $Button_3 ;Atck Speed hack
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($atkspdA, $Mem_Open, $atkspd)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards
Case $msg = $Button_4 ; Moving speed hack
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($runspdA, $Mem_Open, $runspd)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards


Func AOE()
$AOE = Not $AOE
While $AOE
If WinActive("TwelveSky2") = 1 Then
Send("3") ; or whatever key for AOE attack
If PixelGetColor(8,8) = 0 Then ExitLoop ; exit AOE if char changes zone or die

Func loot() ; Loot Function
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Send("{5 down}")
Send("{5 up}")
Func estavivo() ; checks if the mob is alive/sellected , esta vivo = it's ALIVE! xDDD
PixelSearch(456, 36, 531, 49,"0xFF0000",2)
if Not @error Then
Return ("1")
Return ("2")

Func revive() ; revive = resurrects
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
$check = _MemoryRead($accion, $Mem_Open) ;reads value at memory address
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards
If $check = $muerte1 Or $check = $muerte2 Or $check = $muerte3 Or $check = $muerte4 Or $check = $muerte5 Then ;if it dies with any of this animations.
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($accion, $Mem_Open, $revive)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards
GUICtrlSetData($Label_1,$contador) ; sets label to value of read memory
$contador = $contador + 1

Func buscamob() ;Auto clicking function.
$coordm = bottomtotop()
If $coordm[2] = 0 Then; If the pixel color was found, then:
while $coordm[2] = 0 ;Mientras el pixel exista, hace:
$x = Random($coordm[0], $coordm[0]+10, 1) ; random for randomness xDD (make click around the original coord).
$y = Random($coordm[1], $coordm[1]+10, 1)
MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0); Click on the coords obtained on the previous lines.
$vivo = estavivo()
If $vivo = "1" Then ; CHecks if the mob is selected.
ExitLoop ; If it's true then exit the loop
$coordm = bottomtotop()
If $vivo = "1" Then ; checks again if the mob is selected.
while $vivo = "1" ; while the mob it's selected, do:
$vivo = estavivo()
$contador2 = 0
$contador2 = $contador2 + 1
If $contador2 = 8 Then ; if i fool around with a pixel in the ground that looks like the mob color, do...
MouseClickDrag("left", 515, 388, 352, 388, 6) ; turns the camera to the right.
MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) ; move to the last position of the mouse, I whould disable this if the char gets too far.
Else ; if there is no mob then...
MouseClickDrag("right", 515, 388, 352, 388, 6) ; turns the camera to the left.

Func MyExit() ; What does the F9? -> exit

Func FAtckspeed() ; What does the F10? -> atck speed
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($atkspdA, $Mem_Open, $atkspd)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards

Func FRunspeed() ; What does the F11? -> Run speed
$Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1)
_MemoryWrite($runspdA, $Mem_Open, $runspd)
_MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;close it afterwards

Func bottomtotop() ; i search for the mob with $mobGreen color with a tolerance of 5
$ymov = 732
While 1
$coord = PixelSearch($xTop,$ymov,$xBot,$yBot,$mobGreen,5)
$n = @error
If Not @error Then
$comodin[0] = $coord[0]
$comodin[1] = $coord[1]
$comodin[2] = 0
Return $comodin
$ymov = $ymov - 10
If $ymov = $yTop Then
Return $nada
Func Protect()
While 1

If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($Slider2, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Slider1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio1, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio2, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio3, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio4, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Slider2, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Slider1, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio2, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio3, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($Radio4, $GUI_DISABLE)

My script have a problem. It not attack a mob. It not use aoe skill. Thank for help.
arttato is offline  
Old 07/15/2009, 08:03   #2
tri407tiny's Avatar
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Special thanks to UPSman2, I used some of his code :P : Autoit + Memory Address
; Made by me, Kesawea

Cough because this is not your script...i dont think hmm, haumhaum haum
tri407tiny is offline  
Old 07/15/2009, 12:17   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Yes,it not my script.But it public scrip i can use it.i just to ask why it not work for me?
I change something in script but it not work.character it run and normal atk but it not use skill. THANK for help sorry for my english is bad.
arttato is offline  
Old 07/15/2009, 21:48   #4
-=EPvP^RULEZ=-'s Avatar
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if your using F1~ keys to execute skills then you might want to change that to 1-0 hink it uses only aoe skills well... looks like the script was writen like that to only recognize aoe skill.. sorry thats based on what i understand on the script ... anyways... put aoe skill on your 0-9 slots... then run it again!
-=EPvP^RULEZ=- is offline  

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