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EUW & EUNE Diamond 5 Acc's FOR SALE

Discussion on EUW & EUNE Diamond 5 Acc's FOR SALE within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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EUW & EUNE Diamond 5 Acc's FOR SALE


I am selling my main account in EUW and smurf acc in EUNE,

First things First,

EUW Acc has; Skins, Runes and some more stuff, It also includes Plat Rims season 2.

Matador Alistar ,
Almost-Prom King Amumu,
Amethyst Ashe,
iBlitzcrank & Riot Blitzcrank Officer Caitlyn,
Nightmare Cho'Gath Corporate Mundo,
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks,
Commando Galio,
Special Forces Gangplank,
Rugged Garen,
Jailbreak Graves & Riot Graves Arcade Hecarim,
Victorious Janna Nemesis Jax,
Pre-Void Kassadin,
Mercenary Katarina,
Viridian Kayle & Judgement Kayle Obsidian Malphite,
Totemic Maokai,
Haunting Nocturne,
Nunu Bot,
Myrmidon Pantheon,
Headhunter Rengar,
Zombie RyzeTraditional Sejuani,
Masked Shaco,
Dryad Soraka,
Badger Teemo,
Rocket Girl Tristana,
Viking Tryndamere, Highland Tryndamere & Sultan Tryndamere,
Vandal Vladimir & Nosferatu Vladimir
Big Bad Warwick,
Volcanic Wukong,
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao


Marks;9xarmor,9x Armor pen, 9x physical dmg, 9x Attack speed, 9x crit chance, 8x armor and magic pen, 9x magic pen, x1 mana regen,

Seals; x9 Armor, x9 gold per, x9 ap per lvl and x9 health per lvl,

Glyphs; x9 AP, x9 armor, x9 COOLDOWN RDC, x9 Magic resist, x9 magic resist per lvl,

3x ap,
x3 armor,
x3 armor pen,
x3 physical dmg,
x3 crit chance,
x3 gold per,
x3 lifesteal,
x3 ms speed.


Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Ashe,Blitz,Cait,Cho,Cork i,Mundo,Eve,Fiddle,galio,Gangplank,garen,gragas,he carim,janna,jarvan,jax,karthus,kassa,katarina,kayl e,lee sin,lulu,malph,maokai,master yi,miss fortune, morgana,nasus,nautilus,nidalee,nocturne,nunu,olaf, panth,poppy,rammus,renekton,rengar,riven,rumble,ry ze,sejuani,shaco,shen,singed,sion,sivir,skarner,so raka,taric,sona,teemo,thresh,tristana,tryndamere,t wisted fate, twitch,udyr,vladimir,warwirck,wukongxin zhao and ZAC.


Skype: juku.juhtmeots < FINLAND name is Sven.

Now EUNE ACCOUNT, this is my season 1 account, just for smurfing or play with Eune mates.

akali,annie,garen,jax,ashe,kennen,kog'maw,tristana ,veigar,twisted fate,soraka,sona,singed,shen,shaco,poppy,nunu,ryze ,nasus,mordekaiser,malphite,kayle,gragas,master yi, evelynn,janna,fiddlesticks,


Marks; x7 armor, x9 physical dmg, x6 attack speed, x9 magic pen, x9 mana reg.


x9 AP,x9 armor, x9 health per lvl,

Glyphs; x9 ap, x4 armor, x9 magic resist, x5 magic resist at lvl 18,

Quints; x3 AP, 2x armor, x3 physical dmg, x3 gold per, x1 lifesteal, x2 magic resist,

It has only one skin and it is judgement kayle.

I want for this account 100€ and its ur's

Don't forget to add me in skype;

Name Sven.

I' am done playing this game.

btw, u can always make ur own BID.
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Old 11/02/2013, 22:22   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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