1ManWolfPack's TBM Ratings - Negative - Page 1 |
From |
ID / Date / Comment |
individueL- |
Trade #673931 - Aug 4, 2019 - 21:45
-REP scamming!!!
Poison Trail |
Trade #671115 - Jul 18, 2019 - 18:28
I ordered a duo Q from G1 100LP to D4 on June 19th, we played the first promos and lost 2 in a row, 10 days pass and not a single game played, I had to ask him to play every single day, and each day he came up with a reason or excuse why he could not play, and put me on hold for another 3 days or so. I asked for a deadline and asked to end the boost at Plat 3 and get a refund of 20euros, he agrees on both terms. (https://prntscr.com/ogryug ; https://prntscr.com/ogrz42) Deadline wasn't respected and we made other deadlines, same thing, never met the deadline dates. See screenshots
We then started playing couple games from time to time, and were hardstuck in high gold/low plat. 20 days after order and not a single progress, lost the Plat 4 promos like 3 times and back to 50LP again after 21 games total (7W 14L 33% wr as duo boost, look screenshot below)
I asked for full refund but he always ask for other chance, he hired another agent (July 14th) and duo'ed me from G1 50LP to P4 0LP in 7 games, then told me the same agent will duo with me to Plat 3 the next days and that by Thursday (Today) I'd be Plat 3 and he would refund the 20e.
Since then I ask him when are we gonna play, he tells me booster is ready to play, I wait, nothing. Next 2 days same, Yesterday I ask him to just end trade and refund me instead, on which he agrees and tells me to remind him today.
Today I DM him on discord for the refund, he says I need to wait as usual, and I told him I cannot wait since I need the money for another order and that today is 1 month for trade, and he’s basically just buying time until I cannot give TBM rating (1month + trade), then tells me to “just leave negative and we Gucci”.
TL DR, AWFUL”Boosting” service, Ruined account MMR/wr/LP gains while taking a boost, not even a full division up (G1 100LP to Plat 4 after 28 games total with barely positive wr) after 1 month, AND I NEVER GOT THE REFUND. Order at your own risk, don't let the 70+ positive tbm fool you, the negative guys in the comments are legit and should be considered. Make sure to make strict deadline and pay after each div if you wanna order from him.
EnelxOne |
Trade #660766 - Apr 26, 2019 - 00:00
Warning Scammer!
I have ordered a DuoQ order from plat 1 - Dia 4, after 12 games I'm still sitting on 0 LP plat 1 and I've stopped the whole thing now.
I offered him to refund my money and we are fine, he accepted but now he's ignoring me.
So 0 progress and I've lost my money.
Korintho |
Trade #647716 - Feb 24, 2019 - 22:42
got my account banned, didnt finish the boosting job
"Booster" being hardstuck in g3
No refund on either boost or acc
Not to mention he is full of shit saying i ORDERED duoq boost when he asked me to duo since he couldnt win in g3. He sure offered me replacement acc but with 96 champs and 20ish skins. When asked for recovery info he blocked me
https://prnt.sc/mpic58 - 2 games mentioned in ban are his (he admits that)
https://prnt.sc/mpicyv - him asking me to duo
https://prnt.sc/mpieee - him just basically telling me to fk off