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BoostYA's TBM Profile - ID: #823-488-5

Username: BoostYA
elite*gold: 50
Ratings: 6
Posts: 50
Thanks: 1
Positive 5
Neutral 0
Negative 1
  Total 4
ID verified:
Mediations: 0/0

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  From ID / Date / Comment
#665551 low amount - Sep 27, 2021 - 09:59
Good Morning
#665416 - Sep 26, 2021 - 00:48

  From ID / Date / Comment
#826125 - Oct 5, 2021 - 18:53
SCAMMER - Purchased D2JSP forum gold from his post, paid - and he hasn’t sent anything. Have proof and will be initiating scammer accusations against him to get him banned if I do not receive my purchased forum gold. He’s a smooth talker - doesn’t act like a scammer, but has completely ghosted me now and won’t respond / has not sent the forum gold.
#825143 - Sep 27, 2021 - 23:55
++ :)
#825035 - Sep 27, 2021 - 02:01
Supersafe Smurfs
#824973 - Sep 26, 2021 - 19:19
Paid first 1.99 40k euw

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