Please dont trust this guy. I buyd one Account,and after 1 Month he just retook it. And now he sells the same Account here again. Accountname: KillwithMyskill. Dont buy anything from him. He is just a little liar.
He Sendet me this account data 2 Months ago : Username : KillwithMySkill
Password : 2107997740013qck
...everything was fine. Played alot and upranked like 3 elos. But 2 Days ago the password didnt work. So i tried everything nothing happened. I writed support and they told me it was changed 2 days ago. i Knew that he would retake it. He was suspicious the first minute off. And you know whats funny about it?? i scrolled up in the skype conversation, and i tried the old password he gave me before i changed it to mine. And voilaa working xD. Inside account, same as before, without friends. Nothing. so i just used hanbot (detected) and some other bots, and just ran it down mid. I rly dont care about the 50€, but its nice to see how dumb scammers are. Lol.
The report goes online in the next 12 hours. We will see who lose out.