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ID / Date / Comment |
deltadagger |
user is a looser.he scammed me.after 3 days,when the refs were supposed to be done he told me,he will give money bk.surprise..his paypal dont work,is limited.(he sayd will not do refs due to riot bans and new 3.0 system,bullshits).after i gaved him negative,he said his bots are not working.ok i trusted him again,and gaved him 4 more days to fix bots and do the refs.day 2 i asked if he is doing the ref cuz he dont even started and asked for refound if not.got no answer and i threated him with negative,ban request,call to bank to get money bk.i told him it can end up with no ratings if he do the refound,he told me to call the bank to get money bk.user is totally scammer,i have all proofs,ban request.he is trying to scamm due to positive rating.dont get scammed by him!he even use his other accs to get rating! #banrequest#
Mowhawk |
Scammed me over 160 euros , never game me an account, he was making it everything so long, he should give me acc detials instantly and he was extending everything for few hours, when i did chargeback he won the money and i never got the account. avoid this guy
EloHellPusher |
He gave first nice trade ++
cRuis3r |
Got PSC to use up front, everything good! Recommended!
Jaybb |
Scammer, got everything as proof, dont trade with this seller.
bought a lol account, hes not answering no more.