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n1p1no12's TBM Profile - ID: #271-290-2

Username: n1p1no12
elite*gold: 0
Ratings: 7
Posts: 78
Thanks: 3
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Negative 1
  Total 5
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Mediations: 0/0

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  From ID / Date / Comment
#652449 - Mar 26, 2021 - 20:33

  From ID / Date / Comment
#915958 - Sep 9, 2023 - 23:32
Everything is fine - he go first - I send him account details. Good transaction.
#875568 - Nov 7, 2022 - 19:26
He is a scammer, don’t trust this guy even if he goes first, he has always a way to scam you even after some day from the trade that went fine.

The Warrock accounts nicknamed “Itay” and “xHimawari” will be banned in the next few days, mark my words, so don’t buy them from him even if I suggest to NEVER buy anything from this guy.

I thought I had learned everything but as many people say “Learning is a never-ending journey” and this is surely the proof.

As a last thing I wanted to clarify that it will never happen that in a my trade I lose something without the other party loses something too. Even if it is a small thing I will make you lose it too.

Peace and love.
#877059 - Oct 21, 2022 - 22:33
Bin First gegangen, verlief alles ohne Probleme!
Kann ich nur empfehlen.
#592842 - Jan 12, 2018 - 21:23
Hat meinerseits leider etwas gedauert, war aber geduldig mit mir und super freundlich, jederzeit wieder!!!
#558141 - May 16, 2017 - 16:00

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