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Forza Motorsport 6: Takes over 44GB of Xbox One storage

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Post Forza Motorsport 6: Takes over 44GB of Xbox One storage

That games on current-gen-consoles are fairly growing in terms of size they take is nothing special at all and is probably known by most of the gamers.

When you earlier just needed to insert a CD into your drive and could started playing, the sequel requires to be installed. So far, that does not sound unusual.

According to the Xbox Store, the digital version of the game takes about 44 Gigabyte of your Xbox One storage and is very likely to grow even more due to patches and updates.

Furthermore Microsoft announced over 26 different weather-scenarios and by that, variety should be given – each of them is going to change driving dynamics.

In order to complete all these new challenges, players might use the latest Xbox Elite-Controller that promises more sensitivity and accuracy.

HoloLens-integration is another topic Microsoft announced, unfortunately without further information.

Forza Motorsport 6 is going to be released on September, 15th exclusively for Xbox One. Have you already cleared up some disk space for the game? Share your opinion down below!

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Old 08/24/2015, 13:41   #2

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Doesn't come as much of a surprise to me, I've managed to use up 95% of my Xbox hard-drive and I have probably on 9-10 games installed on there, maybe a few more. Wasn't GTA 5 like 54gb or somewhere near that?
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Old 08/24/2015, 13:50   #3
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Originally Posted by Callum View Post
Doesn't come as much of a surprise to me, I've managed to use up 95% of my Xbox hard-drive and I have probably on 9-10 games installed on there, maybe a few more. Wasn't GTA 5 like 54gb or somewhere near that?
Indeed! GTA5 was really huge (60GB), but obviously further games are following..
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Old 08/24/2015, 15:33   #4
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Masterchief Collection with Halo ODst Addon is 94GB
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Old 08/28/2015, 07:35   #5
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You know, you could just go and buy a freaking external hard disk for like 50 bucks.
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