Cause enemy Faction to loose Cenarion Expedition

01/31/2007 11:43 Lowfyr#1
If you use the item "Cenarion Beacon", buyable from Cenarion Expedition, it will summon a "personal cenarian guard" so to speak. Trick is, this will attack opposite faction, and if you are in a city (at least at the expedition), the guards will then attack the "personal guard", NOT you. The enemy player will loose 125 reputation when the "personal guard" dies.

Might sound a little confusing...but it works :<
01/31/2007 14:44 Dieter Anders#2
lol nice ^^
01/31/2007 18:00 Chronnox#3
rofl, gleich mal testen.
01/31/2007 18:41 Dieter Anders#4
Getestet und wurd von den Wachen angegriffen :S
Testet and got attacked by the Guards :S
02/01/2007 15:30 RaveN_^#5
same as dieter anders, i summoned the guard and got attacked by the cenarion guards :f
02/01/2007 21:59 Reelle#6
Ich bin auch gekillt worden von den Wachen...