lol this is pointless but funny

06/07/2006 06:02 Cowface#1
i just thought of has no idea that hundreds of people are waiting to hack/macro/bot everyone and even if they do all they're doing is patches and banning people who use hacks/macros ect. i just wanna see TQ just try and stop us epvpers cuz when tehy come up with a new patch..we come up with a new hack :bandit:

[img]text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text=mwahhahaha TQ is clueless' border='0' alt='mwahhahaha TQ is clueless' />
06/07/2006 07:49 killthemkittens#2
Trying to get your posts up I see ^^, well TQ knows this site very well, there are others that we dont know about, and they dont want us to ^^, I think it would be nice if Epvpers moved, and it was an invite only site, and only mods could invite, it would be a lot better, even if I didnt make the cut!
06/07/2006 18:26 Cowface#3
true i belive that would be cool i didn't know that TQ knew that this site was here...btw what does TQ stand for? :P
06/07/2006 21:23 relax#4
Since tq is a chinese company, tq stands for "tiang qing" (pronouced: tian ching). i am chinese but my chinese not that good, i think it means clear sky.
06/08/2006 00:22 bunnyshaker#5
Yep, I can confirm that TQ does stand for "Clear sky in english". As Relax said, TQ is pronounced as "tiang qing" under mandarin chinese. If you were to pronounce the chinese writing in cantonese it will go like this- "Teen chin"

Back to the topic... Us and TQ is having a endless war here... so basically TQ is just wasting their time on a aimless mission that they could never win- they patch, we hack and repeat. I would like to see the GM's face when they realised that all their hours of hard work has been cracked in less than 24 hours of the patch release, which they thought will solved their problem :D
06/08/2006 00:40 iwontcheat#6
well they need to do something?? :P

Well about that idea of a invite only site is possible a friend of my has a forum like that. You sign up and a admin will say if your welcome or not.
06/08/2006 00:44 Gorgy#7
They close a door but open a few others at every patches
06/08/2006 00:44 bunnyshaker#8
I had the idea of an invites only forum in the "overrun" thread on the stickies.
06/08/2006 01:00 brianfury#9
yes maybe only invite

yes i will not make it then
not even so long a member here
but i see so stupid threads and reply;s from people
that i think fuck off you don;t even show respect for the hacks and more
some people are making soon big changes for the normal people :( that sucks

my 50 cents maybe in wrong word but i think you all will understand
06/08/2006 01:38 relax#10
Originally posted by bunnyshaker@Jun 7 2006, 18:22
Yep, I can confirm that TQ does stand for "Clear sky in english". As Relax said, TQ is pronounced as "tiang qing" under mandarin chinese. If you were to pronounce the chinese writing in cantonese it will go like this- "Teen chin"

yea i speak mandarin, not cantonese. and the qing was in traditional writing so i couldn't fully understand it. r u chinese?