SRO Times | CAP 100 | Open Market | Chinese Only | Quests & Job Based | G.O 31 March

04/11/2023 01:55 Dallin¥#901
epvp signature reward was sent to whoever participated in.
04/11/2023 19:18 kolerul#902
ADD GOLD on mobs ffs
04/12/2023 06:34 Clytius#903
IGN : Morphex
04/13/2023 02:18 nostayhere#904
Char name : xX_Wismo_Xx
04/13/2023 13:21 rodolfor99#905
let's go :)
04/14/2023 04:17 coldred1#906
Don't even try to join this 100 cap,i tried the 110 cap and it was fun tbh but i tried joining the 100 cap i found out that they had a big ego and banning aloot of players and if u ever try to open a ticket at discord to ask or tell them what you were doing or whatever they just ban u from discord as well, they think everyone is just joining to goldbot or bypass, and they don't even want anyone to make money at their "Open market" server, greedy idiots :D and once a wise man said el shaba3 ba3d goo3 we7esh yawlad el mara xD

And also btw Hypnos what happened to your proves on obbai scamming your server players ? nothing posted yet after 3 months so you proved that u were lying? fucking bastard xD
04/14/2023 17:20 deidara45#907
Another Server and another Great Job!
Thanks all

IGN: Deidara
04/15/2023 19:28 rodolfor99#908
Char name: Isis
04/16/2023 20:13 okosaurona#909
can u tell me why i can't log in ? C9 or DC after 1min
04/17/2023 00:40 Kled.#910
good luck
04/17/2023 08:55 Casp1an#911
Signature reward.

Charname: Shark
04/18/2023 11:25 Rasne0#912
Signature reward.

Charname: Rasne
04/18/2023 13:26 xiaoheidi#913
good game need should give a try guys!
04/18/2023 23:47 imlegend444#914
signature event
IGN: Alicks
04/23/2023 19:23 apokcky#915
Good server and ready to take place.

Nick name in server : Waleria

Please set me 100 silk. I could not attach the signature because im new. :)