Hearthstone for MTGO Tickets

07/08/2015 01:48 eightdoteight#1
Looking to sell a NA Hearthstone account for Magic Online Tickets. Please let me know if you are interested. Similar accounts go for $150 without Diablo 3, but I have Diablo 3 active and I am fine with 150 in tickets.

NA Hearthstone Account information as of July 6th 2015:

This account has every card (except Bloodmage Thanos) that is played at the top tiers of Hearthstone. If you go to hearthstonetopdeck.com, you can build every deck.

Golden portrait of Warlock, almost 400 wins with Mage, and all others less than 200 wins. 2000+ ranked wins (not much of an arena player).

Levels as follows (60 max):
Mage: 60
Shaman: 23
Druid: 49
Paladin: 36
Warlock: 60
Hunter: 33
Warrior: 32
Rogue: 30
Priest: 37
Total Level: 360

All levels of Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain are unlocked and completed.

List of Legendary Cards (Not from Adventures):
King Krush
Archmage Antonidas
Bolvar Fordragon
Tirion Fordring
Trade Prince Gallywix
Al’Akir the Windlord
Lord Jaraxxus
Mal’Ganis (Golden)
Grommash Hellscream
Harrison Jones
Illidan Stormrage
Sylvanas Windrunner
Baron Geddon (Golden)
Dr. Boom
Ragnaros the Firelord

Plus all the Legendary Cards from both Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain.

Every common card in the game, all but 10 rare cards, and every prominent epic.

600+ Dust and 100+ Gold.