Selling EUW Platinum 5 account all champs 123 skins 20 rune pages $150

01/03/2015 22:54 hadib#1
Comes with original email!!!!

1. Server: EUW
2. Amount of champions : ALL
3. Amount of skins: 124
4. Amount of rune pages: 20
5. Bans: a few lever busters a while back none recently.
6. Free transfer to what servers? EUNE, Turkey
7. Rank in Season 4: Platinum 5
8. Rank in Season 3 / border for Season 3 : Gold
9. RP / IP : 200 RP, 13066 IP
10. What rare skins do You have?
Legacy skins:
TPA Shen Ultra Rare: Pax Sivir
Pharaoh Amumu Judgement kayle(play since season 1)
Red Riding Annie Urf the manatee warwick skin
Nottingham Ezreal
Yellow Jacket Shen
Highland Tryndamere
Kingpin Twitch
Nightmare Cho'Gath
Unmasked Kayle
Emerald Taric
Frozen Shen
Firefighter Tristana
Caterpillar Kog'Maw

11. Price : $150