Deluxe EOS

07/22/2014 01:42 ganduk1#1
How to get Deluxe EOS ?
07/22/2014 11:27 SkyZer0#2
Buy from Item Mall ;)
07/22/2014 12:00 Ishtaria#3
Are you talking about your own server or are you playing a server that uses Deluxe EOS?
07/22/2014 12:12 DretoNEX#4
Hes talking about Genesis Rohan i made the files for that idk if gambit put it on the server but getting deluxe EoS are from extracting Glacial Unique/Ancient Armors/Weapon's Last i made same way you can get Deluxe Crystal.Hope it helps :D

Idk it felt wrong to have Glacial and Bedron use same Stuff they could spam crystals from the daggers on npc.This way they have to look for glacial weapons parts forge them then extract it :D.
07/22/2014 12:44 Ishtaria#5
Yeah I made glacials use and extract deluxe crystals on DG for the same reason :D