[Re-Release] TwelveSky 2 AIO

08/10/2009 01:11 ichieqido#16
waw thx ^^
08/10/2009 01:13 itachi1#17
Originally Posted by strikeraid View Post
hmm... i'll add that to my list of things to check.

-rare looter (though i think its an aeria problem)
-autobuffer should be easy. just takes long to code lol.

Edit: Aeria autopill is fixed. Aeria users redownload please.
Thank you very much :thumbsup:
08/10/2009 01:16 strikeraid#18
:) ENJOY! haha. thanks for thanking. lol.
08/10/2009 01:22 itachi1#19
Zoom hack isn't working for me anymore, just spins my view all around, lol.
Edit: Maybe because i change my screen size.
08/10/2009 01:27 strikeraid#20
screen size shouldn't affect zoom feature. You might just need a quick restart of either AIO or ts2. and by "anymore" does that mean you dl'ed the updated version?

i think you're on aeria correct?
08/10/2009 01:48 Hadez99#21
hi man i been messing around with it , 1st thing i am prob just dumb but ive checked the cnfigs dont see the timer inbetween casting buffs , it just keeps trying to use the 1 buff over and over , 2nd about the rare loooter i put in full screen with the res it has already set and when a uni drops it wont even attempt to grab , whenb i drop a rare it just keeps moving aroudnd the rare clicking , no successful pickups yet , other than that it works great man ,

08/10/2009 01:56 itachi1#22
Originally Posted by strikeraid View Post
screen size shouldn't affect zoom feature. You might just need a quick restart of either AIO or ts2. and by "anymore" does that mean you dl'ed the updated version?

i think you're on aeria correct?
Yea, I'll try restarting AIO and ts2 both, and yes I'm on aeria, and I'v downloaded the updated version appreciate it.
08/10/2009 02:12 strikeraid#23
Thanks to hadez, i found a problem with buffer. only devil awaken and demonic energy work as of right now. will be updating later today, hoping to include aeria buffer as well.

currently working on looter.
08/10/2009 02:18 seng2003#24
look very nice and works great...
08/10/2009 02:20 strikeraid#25
glad you like it. still getting the kinks out. trying to work really hard. :P
08/10/2009 02:53 yakins#26
tested the autopill feature and its pretty impressive , good work
08/10/2009 03:01 Zacko7#27
Pretty impressive? Really impressive! *Rolls eyes*
08/10/2009 03:11 seng2003#28
question: none of the buffer name match any of my buffer name on the game...so what do i do here?
08/10/2009 03:12 strikeraid#29
haha yea. researched, coded and did everything myself. didn't think i had it in me with only 2 weeks of autoit knowledge. lol.

will be uploading new files soon. i'll change the file name so that ppl will know which one is the latest.

@seng. i'm assuming you didn't read the Readme file? lol. pretty sure autobuff is only for MAYN right now. Aeria will be up soon.
08/10/2009 03:29 seng2003#30
ahah ops...i didnt look at the top part..i just went to the buffer section and read that part...sry about that.. :p