(EU-W) Selling Dia 1 Account 4 LP. + Elo boosting service

08/19/2013 11:19 jensje906#1
Ey guys,

I am selling my League of legends account to get a ticket to america to visit my mom, So i want to sell my LoL Account.

My account has :
Diamond 1 elo ( 4 LP )
62 Champions
4 Skins ( season 1 kayle skin + u will get skin for this season )
15 Ip ( Influence points, to boy champs / runes with )
3 Runepages
Runepage Ad page / Ap page
Marks : Armor pent / Magic pent
Seal : Armor / Armor
Glyphs: Magic Resist / Magic resist
Quint: Flat ad / Flat ap Add sepjens on skype for price

I also do elo boosts with some friends to gain abit more money,
We are all diamond 1 / challenger players, who boost up to diamond 1 max. ( 0 LP ). The price depends on how many lp u gain and in wich league u are and where u want to go. It will be done in less then a week. Safe fast and cheap.

if u want a boost add Sepjens on skype. If u want i can share screen 24/7 with u when im on ur account so u sure i dont do stuff on ur account if u dont trust me.