Script to do the Job Target Trading Jangan to Hotan

08/06/2013 05:42 wooowooow#1
I need a scrip, to do the job Target trading Jangan to hotan, If you know any page of scripts of silkroad tell me plsss. Tnx for answer me.
08/09/2013 14:41 speacher#2
what bot are you using? i have one for sbot....but you can easlity make it your self, just do the target trade ones while recording a script meanwhile
08/09/2013 19:47 xTrailerPark#3
With sbot you can also just do current coord in front of hotan and then start outside jangan. Or just record a script once, its not too hard..
If you use phbot you have to make a huge script walk delay in order to get it working..
08/09/2013 19:51 speacher#4
Originally Posted by TheGooN View Post
With sbot you can also just do current coord in front of hotan and then start outside jangan. Or just record a script once, its not too hard..
If you use phbot you have to make a huge script walk delay in order to get it working..
just starting bot...nah then it will go back inside and use the portals, that doesnt work, for me at least
08/11/2013 18:17 xTrailerPark#5
It do work if you choose "cheapest route" or something like that. Also you can just do a script for sbot if it isnt working.