
03/14/2012 19:27 tannerbanner597#1
Wait sorry, wrong person. Sorry sorry sorry, I meant I AM PHENOM, he scams then sends you some pics.

I just got pics of him fucking his cat, he sent them to me, if anyone wants it, skype me: tannerbanner597

I also have chatlogs of him saying he wants to marry his son.
03/14/2012 19:42 Dragonel#2
lol I love this guy ily tanner, It's funny how when we say we have screenshots of I AM PHENOM scamming he closes his thread so we can't post em xD btw to anyone wondering, giving tanner a free account cause he's a badass mofo, fuck all you scammers and I AM PHENOM go suck a chode.
03/14/2012 19:52 tannerbanner597#3
Originally Posted by Dragonel View Post
lol I love this guy ily tanner, It's funny how when we say we have screenshots of I AM PHENOM scamming he closes his thread so we can't post em xD btw to anyone wondering, giving tanner a free account cause he's a badass mofo, fuck all you scammers and I AM PHENOM go suck a chode.
I just got pics of him fucking his cat, he sent them to me, if anyone wants it, skype me: tannerbanner597

I also have chatlogs of him saying he wants to marry his son.
03/14/2012 20:04 Random Trader#4
Dude... thats fucking sick o.o
but Dragonel your also a fucking scammer... >< everyone knows it already.
03/14/2012 21:41 IM A PHENOM#5
moderator shud be infracting him for framing me for something i didnt do i made a thread about dragonel and i get infracted plus thread deleted.. yea this make sense.
03/14/2012 22:55 Dragonel#6
LOL, I love you kids, your so funny. You all try to point me out as a scammer and then all you scammers stick together, but the thing you failed to do was provide proof, and I have proofz muhahaha, so go fuck yourself.