
10/08/2011 07:15 diegoer2#1
Could someone explain how to add maps in Gamemap.dat, is there any program for that or just keep using these codes Arabs?

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10/08/2011 08:41 pro4never#2
It's a non encrypted structured binary file...

The structure is fully public and I seem to remember people posting readers/writers for the file all over epvp... do a bit of searching!

I seem to remember it being incredibly simple to do though... something like...

uint mapCount

for map count
uint(or ushort) map id
uint (or ushort) puzzle size
string(counted or 16 fixed... most likely counted) map file location

It was something very similar to that. Obviously not correct as I'm working off memory but it was definitely a VERY simple structure.
10/08/2011 09:14 diegoer2#3
I found that my problem was reported earlier, which would be: the informed mapdoc cq_map not included in the gamedata folder zfserver, thus creating inconsistency with the beam MsgServer doing it automatically, the solution would make the change in gamemap for everyone maps of the source could run quietly, then got the map update in which authorize poker 1858 1860 so that the server was rotating normally. what happens is that I could not add other maps eg gamemap in 1845 does not count because it would not generate error again, then the solution would be to add in all the maps gamemap not added, the question would be how to add maps?

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10/08/2011 14:14 Korvacs#4
                int MapCount = Reader.ReadInt32();

                for (int i = 0; i < MapCount; i++)
                    uint MapID = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    string Path = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Reader.ReadBytes((int)Reader.ReadUInt32())).Remove(0, 8);
                    Reader.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
Not sure what the last 4 bytes is about could be as pro said, puzzle size, but ive never needed it myself.
10/09/2011 01:29 diegoer2#5
I did not understand, you use that to which version?
I am using 5065 binaries ...

Does anyone know how to put new maps in gamemap.dat ?
10/09/2011 10:30 pro4never#6
It works in ANY version as far as I'm aware the structure of the file has never changed.

3 steps.

#1: Convert the binary .dat file into a text document (ini, txt, whatever you wish) by using a binary reader + the file structure we referred to.

#2: Edit the text document and add in your copies if needed (be careful not to add in extra spaces or anything silly. Follow the structure exactly

#3: Convert the file back to a .dat structured binary file using the same file structure as before except this time you're using a streamreader and a binarywriter instead of the opposite!

Simple stuff just requires a bit of work and basic programming knowledge.
10/10/2011 00:31 CptSky#7
Originally Posted by Korvacs View Post
[...]Not sure what the last 4 bytes is about could be as pro said, puzzle size, but ive never needed it myself.
It's the puzzle size. In general, the value is 128 or 256.

<edit by p4n>
I wanted to mention that puzzle size simply refers to the size of image chunks which make up the map (tq names things funny stuff)