A way to...

04/11/2008 13:43 F4Bz#1
...make random items assignement love me?
I mean, there's a way to "force" the random assignement item to give me more items than the others?

I know it sounds weird, but everytime i go on HH i can't take anything because random assignement seems to hate me xD
04/11/2008 14:36 infinity2k7#2
that is server sided, so no this isnt possible ^^
04/14/2008 11:01 jaromon#3
hmmm we always do hh full share party.[ definition: at the end we split items equally according to the market value of items. :does not include mirage stones an common items from first boss: with the 2 EPs and WB getting choice item as it supposedly costs them more}
04/18/2008 14:42 glitchz#4
just dont pick up the items let them come to you unless you tanked boss or something
04/19/2008 14:50 kennyyu#5
i have a technique to make all darksign come to me even i'm in a random party. make your inventory full provided u have atleast 1 darksign on your inventory.
you should be the one picking the darksign first and its 100% yours. but if someone loot it first still you have 50% chance that the darksign will be yours.
disadvantage: you can't pick any other thing except darksign because your inventory is full.