[Help]Bug castle

06/08/2011 17:31 amydeen#1
I want to ask you something about the castle

How to Fix ,,,,, enter the castle ,,

can not walk, as if stuck
06/08/2011 18:39 matrix89#2
lol...just change coordinate..huhu
06/09/2011 04:57 amydeen#3
Please show me how to change the coordinates,,,,
because I have seen in cq_ation coordinates were not found,, lol,, please, show me,

06/10/2011 10:32 PraDevil[ELITE]#4
its not in cq_action..but if u use mannequin db i think its on cq_map..check for castle map default cordinate to spawn..sorry if i wrong..it has been a long time i dont have any db :p
06/10/2011 10:37 ~Sword~Stalker~.#5
sorry , i didnt even read that before ..

ill answer both questions asked before ..

when i go to the Castle map it switches me to Cata / different map .. if so then do ur own i have simplified the action u will use so have a look :
TYPE 300, that starts the map

TYPE 301 moves the same NPC to another map and u can delete the position of the current map .. mostly in events .

TYPE 302, Controls the limits of players in the map by == / < / >

TYPE 303 Broadcast, szParam is the broadcast news

TYPE 304, the goods and drops .. thats a szparam btw.

TYPE = 305, Map staff (PK and others ) ..

TYPE 306, // inspects, revises map's attribute.param= " field opt data idMap ", parameter 3, default are the current maps at least.field= " synid " (opt= " == ", “=”).field= " status” (opt= " test”, “set”, “reset”).field= " type” (opt= " test”).field= " res_lev” (opt= " =”, “==”, “<”).field= " mapdoc” (opt= " =”, “==”), portal0_x(=), portal0_y(=), field = " castle” (opt= " ==”)
TYPE 307, inspects the monsters in that map

TYPE 310 changes the weather of the map, .param= " Type Intensity Dir Color KeepSecs ", Type, Intensity=0~999, Dir=0~359, Color=0x00RRGGBB, KeepSecs=seconds ( im not 100% sure , if its wrong u can tell me )

TYPE 311 changes the brightness param= " idmap light secs ", light=0xAARRGGBB (the 0xFFFFFFFF expression restores), secs is 0: Expresses the permanent change

TYPE 312, designs the effect for ur map .. param = “idMap x y EffectName”

TYPE : 313 : makes the Map , linking on ur current NPC .

this stops the map Fireworks (not sure) = 314,

thats the last TYPE (action limit) = 399,

dont forget to use id_next ..

for example ..

300 with id 1 , then write in id_next 2 and create an id with 2 with the Type of 301

thats for changing the coords or making another map of course id's should not be duplicate . and dont write cmd too ..

if u were saying that u have been stuck'' and u can move . then as PraDevil said its in cq_map . cuz it doesnt give u the no, of fields to walk on . so u need to jump it ..
so my rules are simple in these cases .. just get the files from a working db heh .

06/10/2011 14:00 PraDevil[ELITE]#6
Originally Posted by ~Sword~Stalker~. View Post
if u were saying that u have been stuck'' and u can move . then as PraDevil said its in cq_map . cuz it doesnt give u the no, of fields to walk on . so u need to jump it ..
so my rules are simple in these cases .. just get the files from a working db heh
there's really no need to change to any diff DB coz it's can be fixed from cq_map column (cellx and celly i guess) where it will spawn the user after click on the button "enter castle" from the NPC outside :p
06/10/2011 14:25 40z10Q#7
i think the easiest method just upgrade your castle needed like house etc and it will auto teleport then u can move like usual .
06/11/2011 17:06 amydeen#8
Can you make up for my sql scrip. Because I do not understand. huhuhuhu :)
06/11/2011 17:45 40z10Q#9
there is no script .like this .if u want to up your castle level u must upgrade all your needed things like house,plant etc .then u will auto teleport to the house or etc .then u can walk like usual .
06/11/2011 18:42 amydeen#10
I know,,, how to change the coordinates to enter into the castle??