Find your server

09/14/2015 21:14 s4_leagueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#1216
I search for:
D12~D14 server or Cap 115~140 or even higher.

Must have/be:
- Automatic events.
- Active / Friendly community.
- Play2Win

Must not have/be:
- Pay2Win / Donate or you will fail on this server
09/15/2015 08:34 Sh1verz#1217
Hi Guys,

I am hoping You can help Me find a server Just like the real sro but Than a private server Version.

Real sro for Me has Just come Down To nonstop dc.

To summarize :
-120-130 cap
-low exp rates
-mid Gold /item rates (higher Than sro)
-NO rebirth and All that unneeded crap ..
-Active community/lots of players

If a thread similar like This already exists , apologies , doing This from My Phone :D
09/19/2015 18:42 DannyPT123#1218
Just want one with good population / no bots. So yeah, a legit one.
09/19/2015 21:16 BrutalityMekki#1219
80-110 Cap
No Ip limit
1-5x Rates
Active more then 400+ Player prefferd

09/20/2015 01:10 sg1988gs#1220
Searching for a server with:
- 110 Cap (CH+EU)
- ip limit 1-2 no more
- Not Pay2Win
- active gms, suppporters
- DDOS protection
- active players (100+)
- low rates
- Hard to have Egy items( If possible, EGY available only in FGW )
09/20/2015 15:00 imbalancednoob#1221
Looking for a server with :
- 80 / 90 / 100 or 120 cap CH/EU
- No BOTTERS ( none )
- Good uptime , server protection
- Active jobbing / pvp

Dont pm if your server is either dead or a botfest.
09/20/2015 18:09 LovelyDean*#1222
Looking for server:

- any skill/level cap ( preferrably 110+)
- both races
- some skill balancing
- alchemy rates low-mid
- alchemy limit +10-12
- without glows effects on weapons.

Must Have:
- ip limit that actually works
- no bots
- endgame gear to be obtainable with some form of activity
- rates "mid-high"
- no donation for items (like +nn endgear for donators)
- enabled only normal premium

09/21/2015 07:18 karaberry#1223
Is there any f. server that doesn't work with bots ?

since ages I wonder why are you playing if you let bot play for you...

Anyway excuse my rage, pm me if you know or have any non bot server
09/24/2015 20:34 aydin1994#1224

09/25/2015 17:09 01!#1225
Searching for Server Pvp Cap 6~11
Coin/Jop System
09/25/2015 22:05 BrutalityMekki#1226
Looking for server chin + eu , 80 - 110 cap, active like 200+ , prefer no ip limit or ip limit from 4. And highly prefferd low rate thats what I want maximum 10x rates ( I would love 1x rates :) )
09/25/2015 23:12 porkcupaine#1227
looking for a server 90/100/110, i prefer CH+EU, but it's ok with CH only too, with 500+ players online.
09/26/2015 01:45 kosminel#1228
Searching for:
120-130 level
euro and china characters
xp rate 500x +
pvp or pve
no reborn system
sos/som/sun drop 3x or higher
no shop with sun items +12 etc
09/27/2015 01:50 deloyhoya#1229
Searching for:
Cap 100 server
CH and EU
Not pay2win
No rebirth
At least 30x rates
SOX items
Active GMs
It doesn't matter if bots work or not
09/27/2015 11:13 pakkux#1230
Searching For:
cap 100 or above
csro-r files