Aion Offsets

04/14/2010 14:11 Yamiboss#106
Originally Posted by gokay22 View Post
Yes i need it for Infinite Aion too :D
Maybe you can post also the pointer ? Thanks
Me too, plz post if u found them
04/18/2010 01:10 dd40k#107
Can someone get the thanks.
04/18/2010 21:29 xamdik#108
Does anyone have correct target's hp, lvl, name offsets?
0x32 doesn't work for Russian Official Servers.

But i'm very very need it.
Please, help!

Version probably, there is no version.ini in game root.
04/21/2010 07:04 nolazo#109
Does anyone have KR ver 1.9 offset?

I tryed to find but i couldm't

please help me~!
04/21/2010 17:03 MeSSeRwuRf#110
Doofe Frage aber, was genau machn/kann man mit den offsets machn und wie?

Da LastChaos aufm US Server nun auch kake ist, wollt ich aion auf nem P-server zockn^^
04/23/2010 17:52 zdennis#111
Ich hab mal eine frage :
Wie holt ihr euch die offsets? Ich kenne bisher nur die methode mit cheat engine.
04/24/2010 00:49 victorbmbr#112 ?
05/11/2010 15:05 slie#113
Target MAX HP : Game.dll+0x1C4 (Pointer Entity) + 0xF4C
Target HP : Pointer Entity + 0xF50

Target DP : Pointer Entity + 0x2D0

Dredgion (Workd only when in Dredgion !!!)

Elyos Points : 0xA6101B
Asmodians Points : 0xA6101F
05/17/2010 22:18 Teverus#114
Any 1.15? offsets?
05/25/2010 05:38 dacheater#115
With these offsets could you theoretically change the amount of abyss points you have? or your max HP, attack. if attck speed can be changed then i imagine that some of these things can as well. i use to make all sorts of amazing hacks for RF online. i can only imagine that changing such values would be simple. i will be working on figuring out a way to purchase abyss items. without the need for abyss points or medals, as there has got to be a packet of some sort for both the AP and the medals and weather or not you have enough.
05/26/2010 08:06 P5yl0#116
you cant changes like abyss points or hp or dp mana etc thes are all server sided if you change them server sees that cause you use memwriting at that moment on official > bann
but with the offsets you can do only a mem eading so to look for hp mp ap points and more

never change things like energy or points on an online game cause they are almost 99% saved in a database server sided !!!!
05/27/2010 11:58 eritzkols#117
hat jemand die offsets für
06/03/2010 01:01 Hell's Ferryman#118
yes that would be very kind :)
06/03/2010 05:13 SyntaxSlash#119
Why is there no offsets AT ALL?!?!?!? searching for 1 hour now
06/03/2010 15:24 orgmaster2010#120
Hallo,wollt mal fragen ob jemand weiß, wann neue offset gepostet werden??

bot ist tot :)