[Release]: Hackshield bypass.

09/06/2008 08:03 MrWise#76
Originally Posted by hilete View Post
Upload of file failed. :(
pm your email pls, i'll send it to you right away.
if you can email it then you can upload it somewhere, just do it.
09/06/2008 11:47 hilete#77
Originally Posted by Layka0 View Post
of coz u can doubt ,
but myself i have same problems connecting and playing russian server with original exe and with fixed exe.

russian sever is just sucking all the way ,ive tried playing there, i have 26 lvl SH
and i cant play ther even with orig exe same shit happens DC - unable to connect etc

ill repeat myself its just a server, offsets working pretty nice,
logic tells me you have connection problems (bad routing for example) AND protection issues, and i have protection issues only. :)

anyway, i changed j(n)z at these locations (as you can see it's 0x90 bytes away from english version.. if i remember correctly):

nops placed here:

and there is a cycle with peekmessage(), which in some case goes to checking again:

could you upload original russian requiem.exe here please, cause I can't.

have anyone tried MzBot (v2) API? did it work? i am unable to make it work.
by MzBot v2 they mean proof of concept code, that supposedly bypasses NtUserSendInput hook
the code of dll is this:
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib

	varSSID		dd 0
	sDeviceName	db 92, 92, 46, 92, 116, 111, 66, 122, 77, 0 ; //./toBzM
	buffDrvOutput	dq 0

LibMain proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD
	mov varSSID, 0
	.if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
	.elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
	.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
	.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH
	mov eax, 1

LibMain endp

InitMzBot proc
	; Open File it
	push 0
	push 0
	push 0
	push OFFSET sDeviceName
	call CreateFile
	jne ContactDriver1
	; Oh sh*t? A funny error occurred!
	mov eax, -1
	; So we got it?
	push eax ; Backup the handle as usual
	; Time to IOCTL it!
	push 0 ; Reserve 4 byte for the OutputSize
	mov ebx, esp ; Yes, I have a habit of using random registers.. erm... not eax and not ecx...
	; Call IOCTL
	push 0
	push ebx
	push 8 ; QWord, remember?
	push OFFSET buffDrvOutput; The content?
	push 0 ; No, there is ~~
	push 0 ; no input data!
	push eax
	call DeviceIoControl
	cmp eax, 0
	jne ContactDriver2
	; Screw it, another error!
	add esp, 4 ; Clean off the OutputSize as well!
	call CloseHandle ; Backup.. backup...
	mov eax, -2
	add esp, 4
	call CloseHandle
	mov eax, OFFSET buffDrvOutput ; **** it! Who cares if it is a QWord or DWord?! As far as I see, it won't be zero
	mov eax, [eax]
	add eax, 01000h
	mov varSSID, eax ; Set varSSID as well...
InitMzBot endp

AltSendInput proc
	mov eax, varSSID
	cmp eax, 0
	je Alt_SendInput_Err
	call IntCallGate
	ret 0Ch

	mov eax, -1
	ret 0Ch
	; Erm.. no, they won't be dumb enough to detect this!
	mov edx, esp
	db 00Fh
	db 034h ; Yeah, sysenter
AltSendInput endp

end start
I fail to get results with this code even with no hooks on NtUserSendInput. I've tried myself - no result. Found a C++ wrap for the dll:

#include <windows.h>

unsigned int MzBot_Init() {
	HMODULE m = LoadLibrary( "amz.dll" );
	if ( !m ) {
		return -3;
	unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) GetProcAddress( m, "InitMzBot" );
	if ( !addr ) {
		return -4;
	__asm {
		mov eax, addr
		call addr
		mov addr, eax
	return addr;

unsigned int MzBot_SendInput( UINT nInputs, LPINPUT pInputs, int cbSize )
	HMODULE m = LoadLibrary( "amz.dll" );
	unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) GetProcAddress( m, "AltSendInput" );
	__asm {
		mov eax, addr
		push cbSize
		push pInputs
		push nInputs
		call addr
		mov addr, eax
	return addr;	

#endif //#ifndef MZBOT2_DLL_VERSION_HEADER
and again, no result.

well, the error occures during init. return val is -1, so CreateFile isn't working well. who remembers what can be \\.\toBzM? like mailslot, but it's not... stream?
09/07/2008 18:07 Layka0#78

i can assure i have no isp prolems, my connection is totally fine.

Try this one

at least it does work for me
i can use macros and bind mouse buttons
but still problems with DC and its definitely not my fault
09/08/2008 03:15 hilete#79
wait a minute... which version is this? 62kb larger than our rus client...
09/08/2008 07:12 lexxes#80
In russian server hee do`nt work
09/08/2008 14:23 Layka0#81
i dont remember exactly but this is eng requiem exe that works at least for me on russian server too.
allows me to use all the things i need to ease my game.
09/08/2008 17:27 hilete#82
well... it's sad, it doesn't start for me..
09/08/2008 18:29 Layka0#83
thats rly strange - with this exe i can play, with other fixed i get "overbuffer" and ???? Errors :(
09/08/2008 18:43 hilete#84
mysteriosness, it is, yes? :)

by "doesn't start" I mean no errors even. i replace my exe with yours, start "UpdaterRus.exe", on the appeared window I press "start" (in russian ofcourse) button, and then nothing...
09/08/2008 18:50 Layka0#85
i dont know if it will help, im trying this with game installed from Requiem_Rus_V3_install
09/08/2008 19:02 hilete#86
3,116,041,081 bytes?
09/08/2008 20:30 Layka0#87
i dont know exactly coz i have it in extracted mode :)
but i dl'ed from [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

pm me with ur msn
09/26/2008 09:41 division101#88

Today after the update, when using the current HackShield Bypass everything turn into a ? icons. Can you make a new quick one or show me how to do it if it's simple? This is for Requiem USA.

Thanks so much!
09/26/2008 10:03 MADR4T#89
yep, everithing tirns to "?" and no grass! Plz make one quick fixed exe! Or just send the method to me via private message plz!
09/26/2008 20:28 razelm#90
can someone make one for the last english client i dont have such good programming skills and i would be very thankfull cuz i cant play without it . thks in advance