Syndrome v1.1.92b

01/27/2006 14:45 -=EPvP^RULEZ=-#31
Nice update Faldo!!

-its still working and its fun to use LOLS!! keep it up and + karma!!
01/27/2006 19:41 Finklestien#32
Thanks to everyone who read and appreciates my long winded speech on how to hack responsibily. This is the follow-up. However, this isn't how not to get caught...this is how to use the program. After all, avoid getting caught for doing it is hardly useful unless you know how to do it.

Speed Hack
Useful for moving from point A to point B...that's pretty much the gist of it. Outside of moving from one point to another...there is no other really use to this. Already explained how to get around being caught with it. For a final note, passive things like Ghost Wolf, Travel Form, Aspect of Cheetah/Pack...these are all a set increase of about 20-30%. Seeing as how the minimum upgrade is about ain't gonna fool anyone.

Your teleport set up should be limited to preferrably 2 points, Point A and Point B, which keeps the monster stuck in the middle between the two. Any more points and you're pretty much wasting space. If your mob is a caster type, you will need to stop it's spell abilities before jumping around.
Class Specific Teleportation uses
Warrior - Warriors sadly have very little roll with teleporting...all they do is melee damage. Using ranged weapons just takes too long to kill to be worth it. Teleporting for a Warrior should bsaically be an "Oh sh*t" button for when you bite off more than you can chew.
Rogue - See Warrior. While teleporting around with a Rogue is certainly more fun...again, your best damage is done at melee.
Paladin - See hasn't changed at all.

Ranged Class Tips
1) Learn approximately how far away the mob is to you. Use any UIs you want, but anything that gets you approximately the distance you need to be away (30 yrds is minimum range for most spells, 20 yrds for others). With Ping-Ponging, you should never get hit assuming you do it correctly.
2) Know what type of mob you're attacking. If the mob is gonna run, take precaution. If the mob is a spell caster, use your spell caster stopping abilities first. Ping-ponging depends on the mob going after you and running to melee you. If they don't, then it makes Ping-ponging useless
3) Wands are your friend. If you can use wands, by all means do so. If not, use a ranged weapon. Spells are good but drain mana. More mana usage = more down time.
4) If you are staring down a spell caster, use:
Shaman - Earthshock Rank 1
Hunter - Viper Sting
Mage - Counterspell
Priest - Manaburn
Warlock - Drain mana
Stopping their casting or disabling their mana makes it so much easier to keep them running.

Druid - Ahhh. Now we have a class that can use it and can use it well...if you're balance specced. Sit back and toss out Moonfire, Starfall, and any other ranged you got, all while ping-ponging. If you need a break, slap an entangling roots on them and just ping-pong between two points to let your mana return.

Shaman - Same as druids, except try and place a grounding totem in the middle. Longer the mob spends running to you = more time to hit with spells = faster it dies.

Priest - The first true user of the precious ping-pong. Slap on your Shadow Word: Pain and if you're Shadow Specced, use Mind Flay. Mind Flay gives great damage to mana cost. If non-shadow specced, alternate between spells and wand. Ping-pong at about when the mob reaches 10 yrds away. Your rough distance apart for telepoints should be 40 yards (teleporting when the mob is at ten, technically puts them back at 30).

Mage - Slap on mage armor so you keep regenerating. Lead into the fight with Cold Bolt and follow up with Fireball (or if you're specced this way: Prescence of Mind and Pyroblast). Switch to wand for a few shots, teleport, repeat. The minor wand time allows you to regen some of your mana without sacrificing too much damage. If dealing with more than one foe, set your casting for Flamestrike at approximately 20 yrds ahead of yourself (assuming they get to 10 yrds away and you teleport, they'll run back into the blast). If you have improved Blizzard, by all means use it. Just remember though...AoE is horrible inefficient for single targets.

Hunters - Pet classes are different...very different. They present a minor challenge. First of all, lead in with concussive shot, disable growl on your pet, and send them charging in. Auto-cast Cower if you can. The mob must be focused soloey on you. Hit auto shoot and use shots accordingly. Your pet should never pull aggro off of you and will add considerible DPS. Use concussive when available to keep the mob running slowly.

Warlocks - Plays slightly like hunter, yet slightly not. Summon your succubus, apply your DoTs, then send the succubus after them with Soothing Kiss auto-cast set. Use Life Tap when you teleport and use Drain Life when you can. If you choose to go Drain Life path, set your teleport points at 30 yrds (Drain Life default casting distance is 20yrds). Simply Life Tap, Drain Life, and laugh. If you don't go Drain Life, use Shadow Bolt while reapplying your DoTs. Warlock DoTs are highly mana efficient. Again, your pet should not pull hate. If vs a Caster, use the Fellhound to spell lock them. Do NOT use Imp or Voidwalker. Imp does a good amount of damage, but does nothing when he runs outta juice. Against an elite mob, this can happen quite often. Also the little guy might pull hate if your casts are resisted. Voidwalker is a tanking pet and does piss poor damage. Unless you want to make your life more difficult, don't use him. Succubus and Fellhound are the best for Ping-pong.

The rest of the hacks are pretty self explanatory. Anyway, hope you enjoy the read.
01/27/2006 19:48 Lowfyr#33
nice one Finklestien

you should create a own topic in the guide forum for this.
01/27/2006 20:45 -=EPvP^RULEZ=-#34
Very neat Tut you got there my friend and as our kind and respectfull admin said you should have create a new thread for your tuts... well anyways tnx for taking the time for explaining things!
01/28/2006 17:51 tavis1#35
Was 72 hour suspended as well, but I was going crazy with it =P
01/29/2006 18:10 hoover#36
Here's some pictures I took while having fun. Includes run through ogrimmar (I'm alliance), going on top of the SW gates, and on top of the IF bank.
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01/29/2006 20:27 reSpawn#37
200% is the max speed I can get ?
01/30/2006 21:54 happydruid#38
Used the speed hack for approx 15 seconds (and I only did the 100% speed, because I was an invisble rogue and inside and instance alone, so no one could have "seen" me). I only did 100%, because I just wanted to move a bit quicker while invisible and check something. Next day, 72 hour suspension and that was the only feature I used and only for that extremely short time.

My advise: Don't use speed hacks at all.
01/30/2006 22:52 reevo#39
I just got hit with the 72hr suspension as well.

I was careul and never used it when other players were on the map or in cities (let alone in BG's), mostly I used it to run away when things went wrong while solo grinding.
01/31/2006 23:57 Mechzero#40
I'm going to try this out, not for the speed hack, but for the item tracking...someone know how that works if I get it? does it tell me what items will drop from a specific mob or something?
02/01/2006 11:39 Enomine#41

i dont know the meaning of

- Track Creatures.

- Track Items

what dos it means ?
02/01/2006 17:31 Finklestien#42
Originally posted by Enomine@Feb 1 2006, 11:39

i dont know the meaning of

- Track Creatures.

- Track Items

what dos it means ?
Track Creatures is like the Hunter's "Track" skills. It allows you to see all creatures on the mini-map. Good for hunting Rare monsters.

Track Items tracks other interactivity things, but stuff you can't attack, like Water Barrels, Food Crates, Treasure Chests, and Quest interactive objects.
02/03/2006 09:26 chickenbutt#43
Hello can someone help me..How come when I run keep on saying engaging but nothing happen after that?
02/06/2006 03:00 duriankun#44
aww, played my old account, banned... played my friends acc.. 72h suspension :( ah well.. was fun while it lasted.
02/06/2006 15:21 Dr4coni4n#45
is it actually possible to use it for earlier versions(of WoW) or not?. if not. can you give me a link to an earlier version(of hack)? Reason for this is that i also play at emu servers and they dont have latest WoW client yet