2300+ AP Mid/Ryze Main, AMA

03/28/2012 15:25 sonti#31
Annie against Ahri, Galio,Kassadin against Cassio
€: I forget its his thread lol
03/28/2012 15:46 LinksyS#32
Originally Posted by Kevo_O View Post
What would you prefer to pick against Ahri or Cassio?

Ryze works great against both of them although he's not a complete counter to those champions even though people say he is. If you can get into late game against Ahri with Ryze you'll probably win.

Leblanc is always a great pick to beat Ahri.
03/28/2012 15:52 %G4ME%#33
Originally Posted by Kevo_O View Post
What would you prefer to pick against Ahri or Cassio?

Lee against ahri and galio for both.
03/28/2012 17:32 Die Schnittstelle#34
How do you usually build ryze items?
03/28/2012 17:52 LinksyS#35
Originally Posted by Die Schnittstelle View Post
How do you usually build ryze items?
Like every champion, you should build them based on the situation.

You're against Anivia but you're doing okay with even CS. You should have started with boots 3 pots. After if you are not dying and taking loads of damage you can build tear first, otherwise build catalyst first.

From there you should build Mercury Treads, this should almost always be bought unless you're like 6-0 then go for Sorc boots because you're going to win anyways.

If you begin to take too much damage from Anivia or if they have a double AP comp (Anivia mid, Kennen/Vlad/Swain/etc top) then you should probably build your Banshee's Veil first, otherwise grab your Glacial Shroud.

If their jungler is AD like Nocturne or Lee Sin and your bottom lane is feeding their AD carry but your lane is easy enough to handle, you don't have to finish Veil just yet and buy your Frozen Heart.

Your current item build should be:

Merc Treads
Catalyst (or BVeil depending on what is currently going on)
Glacial Shroud (or Frozen Heart depending on what is currently going on)

Once your basic build is done you can move on to getting your Revolver -> WOTA.

You'll have 5 items with 1 slot left. This last item should be situational like the previous items.

If you aren't dying much late game and you can survive a team fight pretty easily, grab a Void Staff, especially if they're stacking MR.

If you are being focused in team fights and find yourself dying more than you should be, grab a Guardian Angel.

If worst comes to worst and their AP is fed out the ass then you might have to grab a Force of Nature, although, I never have to do this.
03/28/2012 18:11 omg artix#36
your opinion on mordekaiser?
03/28/2012 18:16 LinksyS#37
Originally Posted by omg artix View Post
your opinion on mordekaiser?
I love Mordekaiser, he's just not good against everyone.

He has the ability to sit in lane all day and farm, once he has Revolver/WOTA, clear the wave, take your Wraiths + Wolves and possibly their wraiths as long as you don't die.

He can turn the tides of a team fight simply with his ultimate. As long as your team focuses the person you put your ultimate on, you'll probably win that team fight. Your clone gives you your metal shield when it attacks so you can easily 1v2.

Overall, I like him, just not against every AP mid.
03/28/2012 18:44 complexlol#38
Originally Posted by LinksyS View Post
I love Mordekaiser, he's just not good against everyone.
He is
Originally Posted by LinksyS View Post
Ryze works great against both of them although he's not a complete counter to those champions even though people say he is.
Ryze gets absolutely raped by cassio
03/28/2012 18:48 LinksyS#39
Originally Posted by complexlol View Post
Ryze gets absolutely raped by cassio
If you're in the NA server I can show you that he does not.
03/28/2012 19:24 サソリ#40
Morde is known for solo queue pub stomping.
03/28/2012 19:27 Shodans Reveal#41
Originally Posted by LinksyS View Post
If you're in the NA server I can show you that he does not.
A good Cass wins against a good Ryze.
03/28/2012 19:28 LinksyS#42
Originally Posted by サソリ View Post
Morde is known for solo queue pub stomping.
Yup yup, you'll see Mordekaiser get his ult off and have a ghost, then you'll see them try to 2v1 him and lose.
03/28/2012 23:53 Victimize#43
Can ryze carry me out of elo hell?
03/28/2012 23:55 LinksyS#44
Originally Posted by Victimize View Post
Can ryze carry me out of elo hell?
Yes, definitely.
03/29/2012 00:08 Victimize#45
WOW thanks heaps, im going to try ryze now in ranked. wish me luck