[RELEASE] Eternity Online (110 Cap) - Complete Server Files

12/06/2023 06:03 StarBlue#16
Hello !

Very good contribution, very grateful, although is it necessary to have a key to be able to start the last two modules?

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12/06/2023 06:55 notHype*#17
Originally Posted by StarBlue View Post
Hello !

Very good contribution, very grateful, although is it necessary to have a key to be able to start the last two modules?

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Yes. The server requires MaxiGuard filter for the vast majority of the features. You can purchase a subscription or use a 7 day free trial from [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
12/06/2023 08:57 blackmarket12#18
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Despite all my information being correct, I am still encountering this error.
12/06/2023 09:15 Woody1337#19
Originally Posted by notHype* View Post
This database along with the files released belong to and are copyrighted by Joymax. You do not own nor have the copyrights over any of this material, therefore it's completely fair for it to be released, especially considering the circumstances it is being released under.

You surely know I'm not referring to my reputation under "Hype" name rather the name I used at Eternity. Despite having a toxic reputation as a player, it never affected and actually only strengthened my reputation in the server creator scene, as I had multiple guild connections which were useful in creating the massive reputation Eternity had.

What I'm referring to is the fact that you & Woody have constantly been talking to every master and player trying to convince them to stay away from my servers post-Eternity. Not only that, both of you also had the gall to fake-name my server "Glory" and then publish an EPVP thread to block mine. Both of you continously were working against me because you knew that I had attained a very good reputation after Eternity with my management of the server. Your whole "server monarchy" did not want me to go off and create further servers on my own without you, which you knew I was going to do; so instead you decided to try to defame me to make sure I wouldn't affect your profit margins. If this doesn't spell out jealousy, I don't know what does.

This one made me BURST. OUT. LAUGHING.
I never held the Discord server "captive." I agreed to give the Discord ownership after I received my final payment for the server, as you can see here:
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We had the same deal for months with absolutely no change whatsoever, while I was still waiting for the money. This can be proven by looking through our older DMs about the final income meeting and the talks we had over the months about my remaining payments.
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Both parties agreed to the fact that I would keep the discord ownership until I was fully paid, and nobody had any strong objections to this that lasted past a few words.

Even after all of this, I conceited and agreed to pass the ownership over as soon as I received my investment money (NOT remaining profit payment) with a MIDDLEMAN (Comanche)

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Comanche never received the money and there was no further activity in the group after the hellos and such.
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You've even admitted that I did the right thing here:
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There was not any type of "hostage" situation whatsoever, rather an attempt from your side to take even more from me without giving back what was rightfully mine. I guarantee that even had I transferred the Discord's ownership to you, I would have never seen my investment money nor the final payout of my profits either. Stop trying to paint me as a liar - the only one whose a liar is you. I've never once any type of blackmailing or anything of the sort for any reason - I never had a reason to. This is obviously just a ploy to try to turn the public opinion for you.

More lies, more lies...
Kai was helping with the development process of Eternity from the very beginning, behind the scenes. I can't attest to EVERYTHING he created himself, but I can confidently say that Kai did MORE than just "dungeons in 2020 for Enfexia."

If Kai hadn't done any work on Eternity besides dungeons in 2020 as you claim, then why did Kai have access to Eternity database throughout the whole server? Not just the database, but our live & test server hosts. Not only that, but Kai was working on fixes for the server that you "totally developed yourself?"
December 2022?
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January 2023???
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In fact, here's the best part, when Kai was caught selling black market silk in the server and you had to REMOVE HIS ACCESS.
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Kai has been helping with the development of Eternity since the beginning - you're just trying to undermind the role he played in order to establish yourself as the sole developer of the server; meanwhile this is not even close to being true. You're simply making up scenarios and acting as if they are the true reality and 100% truthful, yet that is far from the case.
I'm sure that Kai will come into this thread and deny that he ever developed anything for Eternity, but friends will always lie for friends :)

I've shown sufficient proof to prove that Kai played a role much further than you claim. But, let's say that isn't enough. What about me? You claim that I did nothing on your database rather than a few simple queries which "fucked the server" meanwhile wasn't I the one adjusting most of your event procedures? I've done a ton of work in your event systems fixing a lot of stupid mistakes as well as adding new conditions for notices/adding new texts.

My "useless queries" solved 90% of the ticket issues in Eternity that you were too busy partying to handle. I did make a mistake while doing an item fix, I'll admit it was a big fuckup on my end. But, it surely wouldn't have happened if I wasn't handling 20 DIFFERENT ISSUES AT ONCE while you were at a CONVENTION FOR GAMERS with WOODY AND ASH. Not paying attention to the server AT ALL.

My work is all over that database, no matter what you want to say about it. It's not all yours, so stop acting like it is. Your best friend Gannicus even came to me today and admitted this:
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Anyone can claim they're non-corrupted and have that be false. It's easy when you're a compulsive liar like you & Woody are. Didn't you love to tell the players that "Eternity has no deals whatsoever!"? We all know how true that is XDDD. There are guilds playing Golden under both real and fake names that would never touch Silkroad without taking money/cashback/some sort of corrupted bonus. Anyone with an ounce of IQ will be able to realize that and easily see through your hollow lies. It's just a shame that innocent players in this community get scammed by corrupted servers who like to act like they don't have any deals with any players/guilds, when in fact, that's just a lie that the administration tells over and over and over again...

Content creation doesn't mean what you think it means in this context. I was the one who created nearly every single post, ad, announcement, thread, ordered designs, etc. for the entire server. No post went through without being authorized by me. All of it was written and designed completely by me & my vision, and that's what I mean by content creation. When have you ever written a single thing for Eternity? Never. I was the one handling all of that. Nobody mentioned anything about a cinematic, so take your head out of your ass and learn what you're talking about before you actually say it.

You know I did much more than recoloring EFPs and re-writing texts :) I was one of the first one to get my hands on the exclusive Shambhala dungeon files and add them to Eternity. Unfortunately with you being a clueless and useless developer, you weren't able to code the triggers and we weren't able to use them. Not to mention I handled everything related with model switchers, glow effects, plus effects, fixing broken textures, fixing crash issues, etc. I was pushing patches 24/7 while you were both asleep and here and you know that very well. And I'm not the client developer? I did 10x more work in the client than you ever did. You basically just added lines and it was me who stylized them and fixed them. Don't try to turn this into another lie, because if I go through our DMs and get every screenshot of what I've done on the client, this thread will be 50 pages long.

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I guess you also don't know how many times I defended you to Woody, but you wouldn't care about that eh? Meanwhile Woody was insulting you 24/7 LOLLLLL. You get played like a puppet... it's fine, I understand. Feel better soon. Nobody is who you think they are ;)

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Just want to add that I'm done replying to your nonsense after this. Everything you've said has been either a complete or partial lie, and you are just grasping at straws to protect yourself and your damaged reputation. I would do the same if I had just been exposed for being a disgusting scammer. Nevertheless, I understand that you're so angry, but please chill out. I don't want to see your nonsense in my DMs. :mofo: :rolleyes: :D

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Good luck!
You know what's amusing? I'm not surprised by your release. In this community, there are individuals whose actions and mindset are quite predictable. They're set in their ways, and that won't change. You call yourself a community manager? Ever seen a manager disliked by every player, insulting them, and using his alt discord to lure them to his own server? Usually, I don't engage in conversations with 18-year-olds, but your screenshot compelled a response.

I'll keep poking fun at Aaron; to me, he's a meme. Giving someone like you access to the database, which led to a leak, and calling yourself a developer who messed up entire server item stats while "attempting a fix" :D:D

Aaron is indeed a meme by giving you a chance. I've warned him enough, and thanks for proving my words right, as always.

Best of luck to you in this community, Hype. I genuinely hope you can manage to have a server with 100 players online. Your first and perhaps last opportunity lies in the chance Aaron gave you. Being proud of claiming to have 5k "real players" online doesn't mean much when you haven't done a single thing to attract even one player.

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12/06/2023 12:57 Carillon#20
Damn, amusing how people are still giving a damn about this game even though every corruption bullcrap was exposed, yet still same people are living in their bubble lying and sucking guild owner dicks for few K of USD. Poor scammers will never ever change, can't wait until this scene dies and real life hits ya'll wannabe huge businessman. Even tho we never been on a same page sorry it happened to You - should be a lesson to never ever trust people that are ready to sell their own families for slight profit.
12/06/2023 14:22 notHype*#21
Originally Posted by Woody1337 View Post
You know what's amusing? I'm not surprised by your release. In this community, there are individuals whose actions and mindset are quite predictable. They're set in their ways, and that won't change. You call yourself a community manager? Ever seen a manager disliked by every player, insulting them, and using his alt discord to lure them to his own server? Usually, I don't engage in conversations with 18-year-olds, but your screenshot compelled a response.

I'll keep poking fun at Aaron; to me, he's a meme. Giving someone like you access to the database, which led to a leak, and calling yourself a developer who messed up entire server item stats while "attempting a fix" :D:D

Aaron is indeed a meme by giving you a chance. I've warned him enough, and thanks for proving my words right, as always.

Best of luck to you in this community, Hype. I genuinely hope you can manage to have a server with 100 players online. Your first and perhaps last opportunity lies in the chance Aaron gave you. Being proud of claiming to have 5k "real players" online doesn't mean much when you haven't done a single thing to attract even one player.
1 post? Where's your real account? Oh wait, you're still embarrassed to show SkylerBlue account? Or Ash's? Or Pocker's? I forgot how many names you have tbh :D

You can continue to make false claims all you want, but everyone knows the truth about what happened in Eternity. You can keep making up bullshit & false claims like "I insulted everyone using alt discord" when this could not be further from the truth.

Disliked by every player? Even those who hate me in OnlyFans still can do nothing but talk positive about everything Eternity, including the management. When I open a server, it has real ideas with real quality, unlike you. Maybe that's why no guild will ever work with you again and you can never open Eagle again. When you tried a 110 cap project without me (Glory) it was one of the most hated projects ever opened. Trust me, without people running your servers for you (like Paris, me, etc.) you are worthless and nobody would play. I guess you learned that as a hard lesson after Spectre Reborn ;).

I find it so funny that you say "Usually, I don't engage in conversations with 18-year-olds" (stop lying about my age btw :D) because back in 2018 you were begging me to help you with your failed Spectre project and to join your team to attract players. Don't forget where you came from, I literally made you. But hey, it's no problem. I made the names of a lot of people who didn't deserve it. Maybe people don't care about my name like they used to back in the day, but we'll always know who is the real "daddy" between us. Don't ever forget your place. Without me, you'll legit be nothing in Silkroad scene. Legit a random opening 300 players servers. I still remember when you came to me & Apollon and begged for our help with the community and guilds, saying I really want to create ArkSolid Reborn etc etc. What happened to this humble dog? ;) Say thank you to me for the 1,000,000th time for allowing you to do the disgusting things you do in this game daily and sit down.

Don't say "Aaron gave me an opportunity" :D :D I gave Aaron an opportunity by agreeing to work with him ;) He's the one who came to me first to open a server. The first server after his big mental breakdown, remember? Even after I told him I cut ties with all guilds after the corruption nonsense you pulled, he still urged that I joined because he just loved what he saw :). So who gave who an opportunity?

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So keep going. Keep lying to this entire community, trust me I don't care. I'll always feel so bad that Aaron got stuck with you. At least when he was working with Gannicus, he was with someone who will give unique ideas and make good quality systems. But you? This is the end for you, you're hardstuck with this database and these copypaste systems, because your money-milking brains can't come up with new ideas for systems or ever evolve from what you've done in the past. I sincerely hope you manage to do something new and innovative in this scene once and for all.

But, be careful, don't push your devs too hard. We all remember what happened to Aaron the last time he tried to innovate SRO. He wound up having a mental breakdown and leaving Celestius team on grand opening, said he's pulling his hair out, stuttering while talking in real life, and on the verge of suicide :( :( (literally).

So finally I leave you with the bitter truth that you knew since a long long time ago. Let me remind you of what I said a few months ago.

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~ Your literal maker.

Originally Posted by blackmarket12 View Post
Despite all my information being correct, I am still encountering this error.
There's something wrong with your SQL connection.

- Make sure the database is restored and has the proper name (obviously).
- Use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Check and make sure your SQL credentials are correct in the configuration file.
- Make sure that your localhost has no firewall restrictions to the SQL port (usually 1433).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing unlimited concurrent connections (DB -> Properties -> Connections -> first tab 0).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing requests over TCP. (SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -> TCP/IP -> Enabled.)
12/06/2023 15:25 SubZero**#22
Originally Posted by Aaron* View Post
I do not authorize the release of this database. One of the mods has to delete this ASAP.

Now let's reply to your claims.

First of all, the team didn't damage your reputation. Your reputation was already damaged as fuck and you yourself are aware of it, which is why you haven't joined the team under your real name aka Hype.

Proof of you saying your reputation is turning into trash: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
You're fully aware of how garbage your reputation has become in the past few years due to your childish behavior. Don't even dare to blame us for that.

The main reason you haven't been paid is because you decided to blackmail us with the ownership of Eternity's Discord server, alongside your procrastination throughout the server. However, that's your problem with someone else in the team, not me. You know damn well I didn't have any control over the server's income.

As for me claiming I'm the only developer who has ever touched this database, it's actually true, the amount of work put by Kai in this database is very little. The only features in this database that were developed by Kai and are still being used until today are Devil's Garden and Baghdad Dungeon, which he did back in 2020 when I had him help me with some of Enfexia's to-dos. Oh, and by the way, Kai has been fully paid for his work in this database, and he never complained that he hasn't been paid like you did.

You're claiming your work is in this database, but you have never actually touched it except when you messed it up with your subpar query writing skills when you fucked up everyone's items and I had to work for 6 hours non stop to fix your mess, remember? Your only contributions to the development of this server were some very basic stuff such as plus glows and rewriting some texts/descriptions. Wow, much wow. I guess I should give you half of what I sell this database for.

"These system databases are also being recycled over and over by the core team (Ash, Aaron, Woody) creating fake name projects such as Golden Online & OldSilkroad 80/OldSilkroad ZSZC (you can contact me privately for proofs about that), so I decided it’s time to stop letting people freeload off of mine & others work who weren’t compensated for their huge time and effort given. I recommend you to not play these corrupted servers ��."

You know what's funny? You have literally just mentioned the most successful and corruption-free projects in the entire scene, and you're claiming they're corrupted. To anyone reading this, please go have a look at Old Silkroad's thread and Golden's thread. Both servers have been online for over 8 to 12 months, and both have been very well known for being corruption-free. So, your accusations there are once again invalid. Oh and by the way, get your facts right about the owners of those servers because your information seems inaccurate.
OH and thank you for the free marketing! Much appreciated!

"I was managing the community, content creation, client developer, partial investor, and the vast majority of the unique features and ideas were either created by me or theorized by me. I do also have ownership over the majority of the social media platforms, so I do have a right as great as any to all of the work conducted in this project, especially considering the circumstances I am releasing them under. Don't trust false rumors!"


You weren't involved in content creation. Spamming wiNt for the trailer doesn't count as managing content creation. Oh, and I chose the song for Eternity's cinematic. Does that make me a content creation manager? What kind of silly joke is that?

You're also making a joke of yourself by calling yourself a client developer because all you did was recolor EFPs and rewrite text. If you call that a client developer, I don't know what to say. :D

Oh and the reason I am not replying to you on WhatsApp is that you are pathetic and ungrateful. I have been very respectful to you, even after Eternity ended. Yet, you still went on and called me a "23-year-old virgin" and talked shit about me behind my back in one of your recent conversations with Woody. Why don't you man up, get into a call with me, and say that? Or are you still afraid that anyone hearing your voice will expose how girly you sound?

Finally, thank you once again for the free marketing included in this part "you can be sure these files are extremely stable and a perfect base to build your server off of.".

If y'all wanted to know who's that amazing developer who's capable of developing all these stable servers with these amazing features and events, it's me. Here's some evidence from someone who's supposedly trying to harm me ;)

EDIT: one of the reasons the team didn't like Hype is that he rarely respected deadlines and mostly procrastinated, our ePvP thread was supposed to released on 13th of January but was released on 16th instead, only because he procrastinated A LOT on it.

I am chatting with him right as we speak and here's proof of him admitting to that: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

This is how everything with Hype in it ends, nothing new.
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how mods gonna remove the release since joymax only can request dat?
12/06/2023 21:37 blackmarket12#23
Originally Posted by notHype* View Post
1 post? Where's your real account? Oh wait, you're still embarrassed to show SkylerBlue account? Or Ash's? Or Pocker's? I forgot how many names you have tbh :D

You can continue to make false claims all you want, but everyone knows the truth about what happened in Eternity. You can keep making up bullshit & false claims like "I insulted everyone using alt discord" when this could not be further from the truth.

Disliked by every player? Even those who hate me in OnlyFans still can do nothing but talk positive about everything Eternity, including the management. When I open a server, it has real ideas with real quality, unlike you. Maybe that's why no guild will ever work with you again and you can never open Eagle again. When you tried a 110 cap project without me (Glory) it was one of the most hated projects ever opened. Trust me, without people running your servers for you (like Paris, me, etc.) you are worthless and nobody would play. I guess you learned that as a hard lesson after Spectre Reborn ;).

I find it so funny that you say "Usually, I don't engage in conversations with 18-year-olds" (stop lying about my age btw :D) because back in 2018 you were begging me to help you with your failed Spectre project and to join your team to attract players. Don't forget where you came from, I literally made you. But hey, it's no problem. I made the names of a lot of people who didn't deserve it. Maybe people don't care about my name like they used to back in the day, but we'll always know who is the real "daddy" between us. Don't ever forget your place. Without me, you'll legit be nothing in Silkroad scene. Legit a random opening 300 players servers. I still remember when you came to me & Apollon and begged for our help with the community and guilds, saying I really want to create ArkSolid Reborn etc etc. What happened to this humble dog? ;) Say thank you to me for the 1,000,000th time for allowing you to do the disgusting things you do in this game daily and sit down.

Don't say "Aaron gave me an opportunity" :D :D I gave Aaron an opportunity by agreeing to work with him ;) He's the one who came to me first to open a server. The first server after his big mental breakdown, remember? Even after I told him I cut ties with all guilds after the corruption nonsense you pulled, he still urged that I joined because he just loved what he saw :). So who gave who an opportunity?

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So keep going. Keep lying to this entire community, trust me I don't care. I'll always feel so bad that Aaron got stuck with you. At least when he was working with Gannicus, he was with someone who will give unique ideas and make good quality systems. But you? This is the end for you, you're hardstuck with this database and these copypaste systems, because your money-milking brains can't come up with new ideas for systems or ever evolve from what you've done in the past. I sincerely hope you manage to do something new and innovative in this scene once and for all.

But, be careful, don't push your devs too hard. We all remember what happened to Aaron the last time he tried to innovate SRO. He wound up having a mental breakdown and leaving Celestius team on grand opening, said he's pulling his hair out, stuttering while talking in real life, and on the verge of suicide :( :( (literally).

So finally I leave you with the bitter truth that you knew since a long long time ago. Let me remind you of what I said a few months ago.

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~ Your literal maker.

There's something wrong with your SQL connection.

- Make sure the database is restored and has the proper name (obviously).
- Use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Check and make sure your SQL credentials are correct in the configuration file.
- Make sure that your localhost has no firewall restrictions to the SQL port (usually 1433).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing unlimited concurrent connections (DB -> Properties -> Connections -> first tab 0).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing requests over TCP. (SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -> TCP/IP -> Enabled.)
Thank you for your response, but my SQL connections are open, and all the information is correct. I couldn't figure out what the issue is coming from.
12/07/2023 00:52 StarBlue#24
Hello again !!

Can you upload the client or at least the files that do not need the maxiguard dlls?
12/07/2023 13:16 Woody*#25
Originally Posted by notHype* View Post
1 post? Where's your real account? Oh wait, you're still embarrassed to show SkylerBlue account? Or Ash's? Or Pocker's? I forgot how many names you have tbh :D

You can continue to make false claims all you want, but everyone knows the truth about what happened in Eternity. You can keep making up bullshit & false claims like "I insulted everyone using alt discord" when this could not be further from the truth.

Disliked by every player? Even those who hate me in OnlyFans still can do nothing but talk positive about everything Eternity, including the management. When I open a server, it has real ideas with real quality, unlike you. Maybe that's why no guild will ever work with you again and you can never open Eagle again. When you tried a 110 cap project without me (Glory) it was one of the most hated projects ever opened. Trust me, without people running your servers for you (like Paris, me, etc.) you are worthless and nobody would play. I guess you learned that as a hard lesson after Spectre Reborn ;).

I find it so funny that you say "Usually, I don't engage in conversations with 18-year-olds" (stop lying about my age btw :D) because back in 2018 you were begging me to help you with your failed Spectre project and to join your team to attract players. Don't forget where you came from, I literally made you. But hey, it's no problem. I made the names of a lot of people who didn't deserve it. Maybe people don't care about my name like they used to back in the day, but we'll always know who is the real "daddy" between us. Don't ever forget your place. Without me, you'll legit be nothing in Silkroad scene. Legit a random opening 300 players servers. I still remember when you came to me & Apollon and begged for our help with the community and guilds, saying I really want to create ArkSolid Reborn etc etc. What happened to this humble dog? ;) Say thank you to me for the 1,000,000th time for allowing you to do the disgusting things you do in this game daily and sit down.

Don't say "Aaron gave me an opportunity" :D :D I gave Aaron an opportunity by agreeing to work with him ;) He's the one who came to me first to open a server. The first server after his big mental breakdown, remember? Even after I told him I cut ties with all guilds after the corruption nonsense you pulled, he still urged that I joined because he just loved what he saw :). So who gave who an opportunity?

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So keep going. Keep lying to this entire community, trust me I don't care. I'll always feel so bad that Aaron got stuck with you. At least when he was working with Gannicus, he was with someone who will give unique ideas and make good quality systems. But you? This is the end for you, you're hardstuck with this database and these copypaste systems, because your money-milking brains can't come up with new ideas for systems or ever evolve from what you've done in the past. I sincerely hope you manage to do something new and innovative in this scene once and for all.

But, be careful, don't push your devs too hard. We all remember what happened to Aaron the last time he tried to innovate SRO. He wound up having a mental breakdown and leaving Celestius team on grand opening, said he's pulling his hair out, stuttering while talking in real life, and on the verge of suicide :( :( (literally).

So finally I leave you with the bitter truth that you knew since a long long time ago. Let me remind you of what I said a few months ago.

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~ Your literal maker.

There's something wrong with your SQL connection.

- Make sure the database is restored and has the proper name (obviously).
- Use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Check and make sure your SQL credentials are correct in the configuration file.
- Make sure that your localhost has no firewall restrictions to the SQL port (usually 1433).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing unlimited concurrent connections (DB -> Properties -> Connections -> first tab 0).
- Check to assure that your MSSQL instance is allowing requests over TCP. (SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -> TCP/IP -> Enabled.)
As mentioned earlier, there are people whose actions and thought processes are predictable, and you happen to be one of them. Your approach has remained consistent since you entered this community.

In summary, I wish you success in having a server with a substantial player base, reaching up to 100 players online.
12/08/2023 10:13 thetamebewolf#26
sql v ?
12/08/2023 12:51 notHype*#27
Originally Posted by thetamebewolf View Post
sql v ?
12/08/2023 20:31 StarBlue#28
Originally Posted by notHype* View Post
you have the exe files without asking me for the maxiguard files??

I would like to start the client but without it asking me for the exe files, I tried with the sro_client that is there but it still asks me for the files

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This one also asks me for DLL files
12/08/2023 20:54 notHype*#29
Originally Posted by StarBlue View Post
you have the exe files without asking me for the maxiguard files??

I would like to start the client but without it asking me for the exe files, I tried with the sro_client that is there but it still asks me for the files

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This one also asks me for DLL files
You can just replace the client, shardmanager, and gameserver with original SRO files, but...

Good luck trying to do anything with this release without using an advanced filter such as MaxiGuard or vPlus. It may as well be as useless as default SRO files without it.

This release is not for amateurs that want to run a free/0 invest server. It's built for mainstream serious projects which are able to afford and purchase all of the required prerequisite external tools.
(not saying that you're amateur or something - just pointing out this fact).

P.S. The NODLL client simply does not have the EternityLib & Devkit DLLs attached. MaxiGuard DLL is still attached on this client.
01/20/2024 17:21 notHype*#30

Start your new year server developments off the right way! Although I can't say as much for the "developer," my work in this release is truly flawless. The difference in quality between other servers & Eternity's work is clear in so many minor details!