XDragon Nest Private Server!!

06/23/2012 09:25 Lawngy#16
Vine? the same vine from NA? o.o

BTW does this use SEA files? If so why is it half in chinese?

I'm sure if you made it lv50 whole NA server would migrate :P
06/23/2012 16:43 atanetka#17
pls increase the refine rate too.. :)
06/23/2012 18:30 nothingforu#18
Originally Posted by Lawngy View Post
Vine? the same vine from NA? o.o

BTW does this use SEA files? If so why is it half in chinese?

I'm sure if you made it lv50 whole NA server would migrate :P
It uses SEA files and SEA client and is 100% English. I may have forgotten to update the pictures on my OP topic here. I updated the pics on the RZ topic. It's 100% English.

PS: All in due time. I'm having a hard time communicating with the Admin because of our huge time zone difference, and he also tends to wake up late or log in late and he also goes AFK for very long periods of time when I need him most.. -_- He also never responds to my MSN after I leave (like I told him to - so I could get some info to start helping out -_-!!)..
06/23/2012 22:55 Carlosbnh#19
What? a DN private server working ? Ima test it out for sure, Is there a good amount of players ? and are them english speakers?


I'm having problems creating an account, its saying this account name has already been taken, but i'm changing it everytime.. even K11op891 is taken LoL
06/24/2012 02:00 shamimi84#20
hello,server online??it's said "Unable connect to server"
06/24/2012 03:28 Ruimiguel23#21
I can't register. It displays the following error: "Error: ( ̄︶ ̄)↗Please use alphanumeric and underscore characters only."
06/24/2012 04:04 nothingforu#22
Try different usernames, etc. I had issue helping a friend make an acc, but tried a bunch of things until it worked.
06/24/2012 04:15 Ruimiguel23#23
I've tried so many different usernames and passwords and still gives me that error...
06/24/2012 04:20 kerek#24
try register using this , example
ID: elitepvp2012
PW: elite2012
06/24/2012 04:21 Ruimiguel23#25
Didn't work... :(
06/24/2012 05:16 Lawngy#26
Try with IE.
06/24/2012 10:11 margo112#27
awesome! works nice :P
06/24/2012 10:48 neoangel11#28
server works without laggs its stable i played for 2 hours and no downtime and mutch events nice server
06/24/2012 13:27 Ruimiguel23#29
Well... it seems i'm not going to play this... I've tried different browsers, usernames and passwords and still gives me that error :(
06/24/2012 22:21 Carlosbnh#30
Finnaly i was able to create an account, going to play rite now, is the server 24h online ?